A snake-loving YouTuber has designed a robot exoskeleton suit that essentially allows snakes to walk with legs.
In a recently uploaded video, Allen Pan explained how he was adamant to see snakes walk with legs, saying he 'feels bad for snakes' because 'they lost their legs' to evolution.
However, the vlogger pointed out that extremely young snake embryos actually have legs, but disabling DNA mutations prevent them from developing fully before birth.
Well, in an attempt to somewhat reverse evolution, Pan decided to design a brand new, state-of-the-art robotic suit in an effort to help snakes find their lost legs.
Have a look below:
To help return the legs to the snake, Pan contacted Los Angeles Zoo to see if they could help out. However, this plan was quickly thrown out as the man was told it was cost around $2000 just for a Zoom call with someone from the zoo.
Pan even went to the lengths of contacting a a pet store that did reptile parties, even though it wasn't even the YouTuber's birthday! Anything for some free birthday cake, eh.
Once Pan had completed his wacky exoskeleton suit after a couple of failed attempts, he contacted a local snake breeder who goes by the name of @granddaddyherps1904 on Instagram. The less said about that the better.
However, once Pan had met the snake breeder, he realised he was a completely normal guy who happened to have over 40 snakes in just one part of his warehouse.

Before equipping one of the pythons with the robot suit, Pan decided to get to know the snakes a little bit more so they gained his trust, making it less likely of an accident once the suit had been equipped.
After trying out a couple of the snakes in the suit, Pan quickly learned that an angry snake would usually roll-up into an 'S' shape, making it pretty much impossible to fit them into the suit.
Meanwhile, a comfortable snake would 'relax like a noodle' - which allowed the snake fan to choose wisely.
It was quickly decided the pair would settle on the first candidate - a very placid female python who quickly moved into the suit with ease.
Once the reptile was sitting comfortably in the suit, it didn't take long for her to start moving with her new robotic legs and the results were incredible.

The science vlogger was understandably overjoyed with the outcome, saying: "I cannot get over the image of the snake crawling into its robotic exoskeleton".
And he wasn't the only one who was pleased with the outcome as his followers were quick to share their admiration, with one saying: "As a snake owner with a legless snake I am so grateful that there is someone looking out for the little guys."
Another added: "Ok, that was amazing, just what I didn't know I wanted to see," as someone else said: "All the respect, dude. I'll never feel like I have weird hobbies ever again."
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