If you thought putting a red sock in your white washing load was the end of the world, this video will really help put things into perspective.
There are over 7.8 billon people on Earth, but the human population really is just a drop in the ocean when you look at just who ginormous the Universe is.
Earth's circumference is around 25,000 miles (think driving to Death Valley from Las Vegas 250 times).
Meanwhile, the Universe is thought to have an approximate diameter of 540 sextillion miles.
This is pretty insane for our minds to even try and comprehend, so one person decided to create a video to try help up wrap our heads around it all.
The video starts with a woman lying on the grass and smiling as the camera continues to zoom further and further out.
It continues to zoom out all the way to show the perspective of looking down at Earth from deepest darkest parts of the Universe and our planet is quite literally a dot.
As Friends' Joey might have said: "The [Earth] is a dot to you!"

The three minute-long video continues to pan out to show the perspective from 100 million light years away from the woman lying on the grass minding her own business, and I can genuinely say you'll probably feel like an ant right now - or that your agoraphobia is triggered.
People have since commented on the video sharing the amazement at the detail of the clip.
"This is a straight up masterpiece, everyone should see this," one YouTuber wrote.
"Isn’t this just amazing?" gushed another.
"Not only does this represent space, but also how far we’ve come as a species. I mean, if you showed this to someone a few hundred years ago, they would be flabbergasted."

A third continued: "One of my favourite videos on YouTube. Really puts things into a perspective."
Noting how small we are as a human race in the grand scheme of things, another person went on: "This is amazing and terrifying at the same time it’s crazy to see how small we are compared to the universe… we are nothing."
'Nothing' might be a bit of a push, but we're definitely very, very, very small.
Another person worded it a little bit better, writing: "It clearly shows how insignificant and at the same time how miraculous we are."
That's one for your Tinder bio, folks: 'Insignificant yet miraculous'.