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Scientists have reviewed the possibility of 'God of chaos' asteroid impacting the Earth.
While extremely unlikely, the possibility of being left in a literal Don't Look Up scenario is not impossible, though the chances of being in a metaphorical Don't Look Up scenario are rather higher.
Scientists have reviewed the possibility of the asteroid Apophis impacting Earth.
It had previously been predicted that the asteroid would pass close to Earth in 2029, or failing that, in 2036.
Since then, scientists have been able to establish that Apophis will pass within 40,000 kilometres of Earth, which is very close in space terms.
However, it will not impact the Earth.
But another study has explored the possibility that something could affect Apophis' trajectory and put it on a collision course.
Study co-author Benjamin Hyatt is an undergraduate student at Waterloo University.
He told ScienceIFL: "Given how closely Apophis will pass Earth, there is a possible risk that a deflection from its current trajectory may move Apophis closer to impacting us.
"Hypothetically, another asteroid colliding with Apophis could cause such a deflection, motivating us to study this scenario, however unlikely it may be."
Think of it like a massive game of pool in space, but the balls are life-annihilating asteroids.
Professor Paul Wiegert was also involved in the study, and explained: "We calculated the paths of all known asteroids using a detailed computer simulation of our Solar System and the possibility of such an unlikely event was evaluated.
"Fortunately, no such collisions are anticipated."
I'd say I'm relieved, but then it's not like we could do anything about it if it an impact was incoming.
Plus, if an asteroid doesn't get us then it'll be either climate change or nuclear war, or both!
Despite Apophis being off the table as the herald of humanity's demise, we are still continuing to study it.
Taking samples form asteroids can be a brilliant way to understand more about the history of the solar system.
In fact, some of the asteroids in the solar system are older than the Earth itself.
Prof Wiegert, who is a member of the Institute for Earth and Space Exploration, said: "Asteroid Apophis has fascinated us as a species since its discovery in 2004: it was the first credible threat from an asteroid to our planet.
"Even now that we know it's on course to miss us by a safe margin, astronomers remain vigilant. It's the asteroid we just can't stop watching."