If you’ve ever looked up to the skies and you know, just casually wondered what would happen to you if you were lost out in space and without a space suit, then spoiler alert, it’s actually not pretty.
Obviously, the chances of you surviving are basically non-existent.
And here’s the simulation of what it would be like:
A video created by DG EYE science on YouTube shows the scary details of what would happen if you’re ‘accidentally thrown out of your space suit’ while you’re lost in space.
Not a really relatable situation for most of us, but it is quite interesting as it’s not what you might expect.
The video says that ‘surprisingly you probably wouldn’t explode’ – which is an idea we’re more familiar with in movies.
And that’s also probably the grossest part of the simulation video anyway, watching the cartoon’s head blow up.
Rather, in the first few seconds, the gases in your body ‘will start to expand’ and the air in your lungs ‘will cause your lung tissue to rupture’.
Then, within five seconds, the ‘water on the surface of eyes, skin and mouth’ start to evaporate, and the water in your blood ‘starts to boil’.
The simulation then shows the body swelling and becoming bigger, almost like a big human balloon, as the skin ‘is elastic and strong enough to withstand pressure’.

Then after blacking out, the heart eventually ‘slows down and stops’ before you would be 'die of asphyxiation', with the video showing the body turning grey.
According to Popular Science, an astronaut who is exposed to space’s vacuum would experience their blood vaporising, along with the water in their body, in just 10 seconds.
They would then lose consciousness in 15 seconds as their body expands and lungs collapse.
The unlucky astronaut would be paralysed, or more likely dead, in 30 seconds, most likely dying of asphyxiation or decompression.
If you’d like to see more of these terrifying simulation videos, there’s also a clip showing the gory details of what would happen if you were to fall into a jet airplane engine.
The freak accident ordeal begins with a human figure being sucked into the engine before quickly disintegrating into small red particles – like you’ve dropped a big tomato into a food processor.
Unsurprisingly, the close-up shots show just how fast death would arrive for the unlucky victim, as there really isn’t much left of the animation within a couple of seconds.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.