The animation was presented as a 1950s-style science fiction series, with each of the characters brought to 'life' by AI
Kim's Instagram followers raised questions about a particular aspect of the ad as she promoted the new Skims app
The Netflix true crime documentary took the world by storm, but people are now noticing something unusual about photos used
Take a look at what AI makes of Ford, Mercedes and other popular car drivers
Ameca the robot was created by British company Engineered Arts
A woman has shown just how disturbingly accurate a deep fake can be after it used her likeness and voice for an x-rated pill advert
It's not hard to spot the stereotypes that AI used to create its images
The psychic has made another harrowing prediction.
Ray Kurzweil also predicted the date AI will achieve 'human levels of intelligence'
It wasn't only the conversation that freaked out users, but also the way the chatbots spoke
An expert worries it's exploiting people's 'existential fears' for cash
The tech giant is reportedly exploring the development of 'home robots' as its latest project
A freaky AI-generated video has shown people what exactly hell would look like.
Bill Gates has issued a message to those who believe AI will solve all of life's problems.
The Tesla CEO believes it'll happen even sooner than another 'futurist' predicts.
The bot appeared to touch the woman's backside.
There's a much more detailed reason your browser can tell you're not a robot than by you simply ticking a box
Someone got AI to generate what the Simpsons would look like in real life, and the results are a little disturbing
The eerie responses have been attributed to Copilot's 'alter ego', SupremacyAGI
The new system is being implemented next year
Some of them are very interesting...
James Howells has been on a decade-long mission to relocate it
The US podcaster has been the target of AI deepfakes