MrBeast has blown viewers away with his latest video after he provided 1,000 deaf people with hearing aids and gave them a whole load of other gifts in the process.
The incredibly popular YouTuber - real name Jimmy Donaldson - had been saying his next video was 'gonna change YouTube' and he thought it was his 'best video ever'.
Considering how popular his other content is that's quite a high bar to clear since in the past he's pulled stunts like restoring eyesight to 1,000 people and recreating Squid Game only without everyone dying.
He said he'd put 'almost 4,000 hours of editing' into the video with a 'brand new style', so fans were expecting something really darn special.
They got it in the form of the YouTuber's latest video which dropped yesterday (6 May) which showed him helping 1,000 deaf people around the world.
In the video the YouTuber meets 1,000 deaf people across the world and funds them getting hearing technology which allows them to 'hear for the first time'.
MrBeast said he'd been able to do this after getting his hands on 'over $3 million of cutting edge technology' which he said 'analyzes people's specific hearing needs allowing them to hear again without causing any damage'.
On top of that he's also filmed providing plenty of people with prizes, whether it be a briefcase full of $10,000 in cash or a trip to the toy store for one of the younger beneficiaries of MrBeast's latest video.
Other prizes included tickets to a Taylor Swift concert and a jet ski for an elderly couple, with many in the YouTuber's video becoming incredibly emotional at the experience.

Donaldson filmed himself going from the US to Mexico, then onto Guatemala before jetting off to Brazil, then he flew across the Atlantic to South Africa, Malawi and Indonesia.
The video ended with some handy information on access to sign language, with MrBeast saying he would be donating $100,000 to organisations which it to people.
The people in the video appeared incredibly grateful for being able to hear, and the video (which has over 19 million views at time of writing) had plenty of comments praising Donaldson for this big project.
People said he was 'doing some great things out here' and that the reactions in the video from those able to hear their family for the first time 'melts my heart'.

However, not everyone has been so complimentary of the video, as deaf journalist Liam O'Dell wrote in The Independent that it's much more complicated that MrBeast's latest video made it seem.
O'Dell called the video 'flat-out inspiration porn' and wondered whether viewers would be more likely to come away better informed about the needs of deaf people or be thinking how philanthropic MrBeast was.
He wrote that while MrBeast comes across 'like some auditory Jesus' his video doesn't dispel the 'dangerous misconception' that hearing aids and cochlear implants cure deafness.
O'Dell said he was sure the YouTuber had good intentions but 'even the most casual and well-meaning actions can be harmful'.
Others in the deaf community have criticised the video saying that deafness isn't something that needs to be 'fixed' and that it's nowhere near as simple as the 'on/off' animation MrBeast used to signal the hearing aid being used.