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While April Fool's Day may not be an occasion the majority of us jot down on a new calendar, it's certainly a fun day for the jokers out there.
Whether it be something a little more cruel like telling your family you're expecting a baby, or telling your pals you've won the lottery - there are plenty of pranks to be had.
Up there as surely one of the more incredible April Fool's Day prank surely belongs to Jack Nicholson, after he played an awesome prank on Marlon Brando while they were living next door to each other.
In fact, this 1 April prank involved a whopping $15 million in cash.
It was Susan Sarandon who told the story in an interview with the Times, explaining how the pair lived on Mulholland Drive in New York.
"You would just see these extraordinary paintings worth millions, just hanging on the wall next to each other," Sarandon said of Nicholson's house.
She went on to explain that Brando lived next door 'for years', which the pair sharing a gate and seeing a garden that merged.
Sarandon then recalled the April Fool's Day prank Brando played on his neighbour.
"Sometimes Brando would walk right in to Jack’s house and take things out of his refrigerator," Sarandon said.
"Jack put a lock on it. They had this big thing. But Jack had always said: ‘If you’re ever going to sell your house please let me know.’ So Brando calls one day and says: ‘All right. I’m gonna sell my house but this is the thing. You have to have $15 million in a bag at the end of my driveway in three days.’”
Sarandon did go on to say the exact sum may not have been exactly $15 million, but it was certainly in the millions.
Nonetheless, the prank was brilliant.
"Jack says, ‘But you know the banks are gonna be closed. How am I gonna have it there by Sunday night?’” Sarandon continued.
Nicholson apparently went into a bit of a frenzy after this, calling everyone he knew to try and collect some money.
"He goes crazy and he starts finding money," Sarandon continued. "He goes through all the machinations."
This happens all on a Friday, and by Sunday, Nicholson has gave Brando a call to say he's got several million.
Sarandon continued: "He calls Brando back. He says, ‘OK, I got it, I got it. I’m going to put it at the bottom of your driveway.’ And Brando says, ‘Hey Jack. What is today?'"
Nicholson they came to the realisation it was in fact April Fool's Day...