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Shannen Doherty claims ex is 'waiting' for her to die amid stage four cancer battle

Shannen Doherty claims ex is 'waiting' for her to die amid stage four cancer battle

The former Beverly Hills star is currently battling stage four cancer

Shannen Doherty has made a dramatic claim about her ex-husband amid her on-going stage four cancer battle.

The Beverly Hills star's heartbreaking cancer story began in 2015, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

But after treatment, two years later, she revealed she had gone into remission.

Doherty has spoken honestly about her ongoing cancer journey for years now, after revealing she had been diagnosed with stage four cancer back in 2020.

She also explained how the cancer had metastasized to her brain - and even spread to her bones.

On top of her health issues, Doherty is trying to secure spousal support from estranged husband, Kurt Iswarienko, as her monthly residual income decreases.

Shannen Doherty and Kurt Iswarienko. (Vivien Killilea/WireImage)
Shannen Doherty and Kurt Iswarienko. (Vivien Killilea/WireImage)

As per a report by People, the actor has not received requested financial information regarding Iswarienko's archival work.

Doherty believes her ex is intentionally delaying the legal process to avoid paying her.

In field paperwork, she stated: "'It is simply not right that Kurt be permitted to prolong our divorce in hopes that I die before he is required to pay me while he continues to live his life and shirk his responsibilities to his dying wife of more than 11 years."

However, Iswarienko's attorney, Katherine Heersema, fired back at the strong claims.

"Kurt is not 'simply wait[ing] for Shannen to die.' He wants the best for Shannen and he wants both of them to be able to put this case behind them and move forward," she said.

Nevertheless, Doherty has denied the proposed settlements because they 'skirted around the issues of his original works created during marriage' and 'his earning capacity.'

Doherty is battling stage four cancer. (Gerardo Mora/Getty Images)
Doherty is battling stage four cancer. (Gerardo Mora/Getty Images)

She stated: "As a result of my recurrent health issues, I have been largely unable to work and have no future employment prospects.

"Today, virtually all of the income I earn is residual income from work that I performed prior to marriage."

Elsewhere in court paperwork, Doherty argued that her estranged husband puts his lifestyle ahead of everything else.

She said: "While I have been unable to work, incurring exorbitant medical expenses not covered by insurance to undergo experimental treatments in hopes of prolonging my life, Kurt has been utilizing the aeroplane, spending thousands of dollars at medical spas, jewelry stores, Gucci, and on flights for his 'agent,' while simultaneously claiming that he has insufficient funds with which to support me."

UNILAD has reached out to Iswarienko representatives for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Vivien Killilea/WireImage via Getty/Gerardo Mora/Getty Images

Topics: Cancer, Celebrity, Health