Sylvester Stallone is in hot water with his neighbors over an unusual addition he wants to make to his home.
The Rocky and Rambo star purchased a sprawling Palm Beach, Florida, estate back in 2020 for just over $35 million.
The property is said to boast a two-storey mansion, guest house, a pool overlooking the North End of Palm Beach, as well as a private 262-foot chunk of beachfront.

Now, in a bid to protect his home, Stallone wants to install a floating barrier around the home.
The proposed barrier would stick out 8 inches above the water and extend down about 10 inches below the water's surface, reported Palm Beach Daily News.
Stallone is said to be trying to sell the idea of the barrier as means of protecting the environment as it will stop seaweed and other debris blocking the waterways.
In regards to how the barrier will affect marine life, there's supposedly room for them to swim underneath the barrier - or around it.

But others have suggested that the 78-year-old wants the barrier as a means to keeping boaters out.
Stallone's representatives officially filed the application to the state of Florida in January 2023, with the plans going on to be received by the Army Corps in August 2024.
The agency then posted a notice for public comment in late October, giving residents a chance to oppose Stallone's plans.
A spokesperson said on the matter: "The Corps is reviewing the project purpose to determine if the use of barrier for the purpose of deterring boaters within the public waterway is permittable."

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has also received the plans, and has given Palm Beach residents until Christmas Day (December 25) to comment on the controversial proposal.
In light of it posting the notice, Stallone's neighbors have come forward to express their grievances.
Bradford Gary said to Palm Beach Daily: "Usually when your neighbors are gonna do something, we've found in Palm Beach, usually they call."
"A lot of neighbors are concerned," he added.

Both Bradford and his wife Susan have opposed the plans and have refuted Stallone's apparent seaweed issues, claiming that they've seldom seen large amounts of seaweed accumulating along the lake shore.
Another point that Stallone's project opposers have pointed out that the area he wants to have the barrier built includes a cove that serves as a refuge for kayakers, paddle boarders and others who sometimes get into trouble in the inlet's strong current.
UNILAD have approached Stallone's rep for comment.
Topics: Sylvester Stallone, Environment, Florida, Property, News, Celebrity