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Paul Walter Hauser slams Vin Diesel for unprofessional behavior and outs actors who 'mistreat people'

Paul Walter Hauser slams Vin Diesel for unprofessional behavior and outs actors who 'mistreat people'

Inside Out 2's Paul Walter Hauser ht back after he was compared to Vin Diesel during an interview

Paul Walter Hauser played the emotion embarrassment in Inside Out 2, but seemed closer to anger in a recent interview.

Speaking to CinemaBlend as part of his promotional duties for the Inside Out sequel, being compared to Vin Diesel seemed to annoy the actor and resulted in a tense standoff.

In a video that was posted to social media, the interviewer compares Walter’s character in the film to Guardians of the Galaxy star Groot, who is voiced by Vin Diesel.

But this resulted on Hauser going off on the celebrity.

“Please don’t say that. I like to think I’m on time, and approachable,” he replied.

“Sorry, I love people but when I hear stories about Hollywood actors who get paid really well and mistreat people I out them constantly and it’s a blast.”

Funnily enough the two actors have not worked together and after this outburst it seems it is pretty unlikely the pair will in the future.

This isn’t the first time Diesel has been accused of being unprofessional throughout his career however.

The actor, who has been the main face of the Fast and Furious franchise has been tied to disagreements with star Dwayne the Rock Johnson, who later joined in the films’ many sequels.

The two actors first locked heads on the set of Fast Five, with Johnson appearing as Luke Hobbs – a DSS agent tasked with going after Dom Toretto (Diesel) and his crew.

Paul Walter Hauser went off on Vin Diesel after he was mentioned in an interview.(Cinemablend/X)
Paul Walter Hauser went off on Vin Diesel after he was mentioned in an interview.(Cinemablend/X)

After the fast-paced action film wrapped, rumours started to emerge of the pair’s on-set feud.

The wrestling star eventually took to to Instagram and appeared to vent his frustration with his former co-star saying his ‘blood was boiling’ in a now-deleted post.

"My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em," the 51-year-old wrote, "My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand-up men and true professionals, while others don’t.”

He continued, adding: “The ones that don’t are too chicken s**t to do anything about it anyway. Candy a**es.”

This isn’t the first time Diesel has been accused of being unprofessional throughout his career however. (Elianto/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)
This isn’t the first time Diesel has been accused of being unprofessional throughout his career however. (Elianto/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)

The post finished: “When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling—you’re right. #ZeroToleranceForCandyAsses."

However, Johnson later apologized and confirmed that he and Diesel had squashed their beef with the wrestler eventually returning to the franchise.

UNILAD has contacted Vin Diesel’s representatives for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Nathan Congleton/NBC via Getty Images/ Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for American Cinematheque via Getty

Topics: Celebrity, Film and TV