An 80-year old high school janitor may finally get to retire a second time around due to the generosity of high school seniors.
The Texas students organised a fundraiser to help the senior citizen finally retire from the workplace once again.
It has already generated over a massive $170,000 just a week after the GoFundMe page was started. Watch him in action:
The janitor, who students referred to as Mr James, unfortunately had to come out of retirement and become the Callisburg High School's janitor due to the rise in the cost of living.
Mr James first began working at the school in January when his rent was increased by $400 a month, Fox 4 reports.
When three of the school's seniors noticed the pensioner working, they took it upon themselves to make a plan of action and start a fundraiser.
One of the students, Banner Tidwell, said: "It's just so sad seeing an 80-year-old man having to do things an 80-year-old shouldn't have to do."
To get the word out about their plan, another student, Greyson Thurman, took to TikTok to share the news to his couple thousand followers.

Speaking to local news station KXII, Thurman explained: "I have 2,000 followers and that was enough to get the word out."
He captioned the short clip: "My classmates and I hate seeing Mr. James here, no one his age should have to be cleaning our messes up to continue to live," accompanied with a link to the GoFundMe page in his bio.
Only posted a week ago, the TikTok has since amassed over 18,000 views with thousands of comments praising the students for their virtuous action.
The school's principal, Jason Hooper, also congratulated the seniors telling the news outlet: "It's just amazing.
"You know of the need that was met because of three kind kids, but of all of our students who have pitched in to help that need."
The third student involved, Marti Yousko, who had the idea to begin the campaign, shared Mr James' reaction to the incredibly amount of money raised for him.
He recalled: "When we told him, he was kind of like, 'dang, that's alright!'"

The fundraiser in question was titled: "Getting Mr. James out of this school".
Created just seven days ago, it has already raised over a staggering $170,000 with the end goal of $200,000.
The page's descriptions reads: "Hey guys I’m having a fundraiser for our janitor who is struggling to pay his rent. He had to leave retirement to continue to pay his rent that was raised.
"Just a little will change his life!!"
Dozens of people have flocked to share their words of support for the incredible fundraiser.
One GoFundMe user wrote: "Way to go! So wonderful to hear of people helping people. Now he can go back to retirement!"
"I hope my boys grow up to be kind and thoughtful like you all," another praise, "this man earned a retirement."
A final supporter added: "God bless this hard working man, the kids that started this, and all who donated. So many soft hearts."