It's unfortunate enough to experience a severe earthquake, but a video of a group of divers experiencing the phenomenon underwater has sent chills down many spines.
When it comes to some natural disasters, well... mother nature doesn’t play around.
Volcanic eruptions, tornados, tsunamis can all be devastating and thanks to the internet, most of us have a good understanding of what they look like.
However, while many have seen footage of earthquakes, fewer have seen what that tremor looks like underwater.
Well, up until now!

A video that has begun circulating on social media has Reddit users admitting they now have a new fear.
The clip has so far been upvoted more than 15,000 times since being posted on the interestingasf*** board 24 hours ago.
The footage shows multiple scuba divers swimming amongst a coral reef, everything looks fine and dandy and rather scenic.
But that all quickly changes when the earthquake starts, causing dust and dirt rom the sea floor to shake off the corals and rise up almost like a terrifying mist. Divers are also seen holding on the corals as the water begins to move around faster while fish begin to swim more erratically.
The video also claims that the earthquake magnitude was 7.2
“Yeah, that is a nightmare for sure,” one Reddit user stated.
“Damn! I thought it was bad on land. Underwater looks absolutely terrifying,” another commented
“Corals are sharp as glass, and being that close to the ocean floor during the earthquake could shred you pretty bad,” a third added.
“Holy cow! The thought of people deep under water during an earthquake never crossed my mind. This vid is such an eye opener,”wrote another
However there were some users who remarked they would much rather experience an earthquake underwater than be on land.
“I suppose it's safer in some ways? Nothing will land on you from above, right?” a user added.

“What I was told when I was young was that in open water, underwater probably safest place to be,” another commented.
“Thats what I was thinking, it seems the best to be free floating underwater/ in deep water with scuba gear on during an earthquake," wrote a third.
"Just dont grab the coral like that one guy lol."
Other users remarked that the diver that is seen grabbing the coral could have put himself closer to harm rather than continuing to swim.
But let’s be honest, it was likely a panic action because who expects an earthquake while diving?
Topics: Nature, Reddit, World News