A Georgia woman who moved from the US to the UK has called out one aspect of daily life that she just can't wrap her head around.
A lot of Americans have only ever seen Britain in TV shows and movies, where it's depicted as a quaint little country where everyone lives in stone cottages and drinks tea all the time.
If you've ever actually been to the UK, you'll know only the tea part is accurate.
To help portray a more accurate view of the UK, American mom and TikToker @YorkshirePeach is sharing all the differences she's noticed since moving from the US.
The mom has previously drawn attention to unusual habits, traditions and snacks that Brits have, but earlier this year she vented her frustrations about one thing she 'can't stand' in the country.
"I'll tell you one thing I miss about America, because I'm in a predicament right now," the mom began her video.

"I have to wee, or tee-tee, as you might say in America. I have to urinate terribly; this happens to me often because I have the bladder of an ant, basically."
After establishing the size of her bladder, Yorkshire Peach went on to share her gripe about the UK.
"The toilet situation here is an issue for me," she explained. "Right now, I'm at school pickup. The school is there, [but] I'm British now so there's no chance I'm going to ask the headmaster if I can use the toilets in the school, that's never going to happen."
If you're an American, what would you do? Maybe find the closest store, gas station or cafe and run into the toilet there? Well, not in Britain.
Yorkshire Peach explained: "There is a store - shop, in your native tongue - down the way. They're not going to let me use the toilet. There's a pharmacist, they're not going to let me use the toilet.
"A hairdresser? No chance. All these places where, in America [...] anywhere is gonna have a toilet.
"So I will say, as a person who really struggles with your nation, I miss toilets being everywhere, because I'm going to have to go behind a bush."
Unfortunately, even the backup plan of going behind a bush quickly fell apart for Yorkshire Peach as she realized that squatting behind a bush near a school would probably be considered a 'red flag'.
So it's clear the UK is in desperate need of some more public facilities - especially given how much tea is consumed each day.