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Woman issues warning after claiming driving Tesla left her with horrifying symptoms like nose bleeds and hair loss

Woman issues warning after claiming driving Tesla left her with horrifying symptoms like nose bleeds and hair loss

A Tesla driver has issued a stark warning after her health was allegedly impacted by the vehicle

A woman has claimed that her Tesla negatively impacted her and her husband's health which ultimately sparked the pair to sell the electric vehicle.

A content creator purchased her Tesla in 2021 and had it for two and a half years.

Over the time she had the car, the woman named Elle claimed that she'd started to experience symptoms such as extreme fatigue, shoulder pain, nose bleeds, nausea and hair loss.

"Fatigue was the first symptom and it got worse over time," the former Tesla driver, who goes by @livingwellwithelle on Instagram, claimed.

"I would come home from grocery shopping and need to lay down in bed for 20 minutes before I could even unload the car. This was after a total of around 2 hours on the road, so at first I didn’t think anything of it."

Elle continued: "It was only after many long road trips with my mom in a regular car and feeling normal that I realized something was wrong."

It was a year into having the car that she says she began to experience neck and shoulder pain, which progressively getting worse.

"The headrest is not adjustable and forces you into a forward neck posture with a curved upper back," she claims.

Detailing another of her symptoms, Elle went on: "I’ve never had nosebleeds in my entire life but suddenly had red tinged tissue after blowing my nose many times.

A woman has claimed that driving her Tesla left her unwell (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)
A woman has claimed that driving her Tesla left her unwell (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

"It wasn’t severe and I initially blamed it on weather and controlled burns but they have stopped since selling the car."

Towards the end of the ownership of her Tesla, she claimed she'd started to experience nausea and hair loss.

While it isn't 100 percent clear that it was the car causing such symptoms, Elle says that all their ailments have disappeared since they sold their vehicle.

The possible conclusion? Mold.

"My husband and I tried blaming anything else for our symptoms until it became so obvious," Elle claimed in a separate Instagram post.

"After reading comments on my last post, I think it’s likely the car was contaminated with hidden mold."

Dozens of people have since taken to the comments section of Elle's posts to share their own experiences of feeling unwell after having been in a Tesla.

One person claimed: "My sister and brother in law had something similar happen to them. They sent the car in for repairs and it ended up being MOLD EVERYWHERE."

"I knew a couple who bought a Tesla and about 6 months later the husband became extremely ill and they swear it all started after buying the Tesla," a second said.

Meanwhile, one guy on Reddit two years ago shared a video of the interior of his Tesla covered in mold, and claimed that the car was only left in his garage for a month.

It's thought the mold might occur in electric vehicles as a result of moisture and humidity which might build up in the air conditioning system and cabin air filter area.

It's unclear if this is an issue with all models though.

UNILAD has contacted Tesla for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@livingwellwithelle

Topics: Tesla, Health, Cars, News