A money-saving mom has sparked a fierce debate after charing another parent for a playdate.
The frugal mom has infuriated parents online and within her own community by revealing that she charges for items that kids consume whilst at her house for playdates.
Brianna Weimar listed all of the items she bills other parents for including everything from snacks to pumps of soap used when washing their hands.
After sending a $36 Venmo request to another mom, the 33-year-old from Monroe, Washington, US, found herself in a heated argument and was thanked for her 'hospitality'.
She said: "Parents have been shocked, confused, angry, saying that they will not send their kids over to our house anymore. People have been very critical, they do not agree with this method at all."
The mom-of-two started considering charging people for the things their children consume at her house when prices start to rise, and she found herself being affected by the cost-of-living increase.
To prepare, she explained how she created her own spreadsheet to make sure her prices were fair and even. Although she found herself in a disagreement with one mom, she confirmed that the Venmo request was actually paid.

In this instance, she charged for snacks, meals, drinks, pumps of soap, 45 minute of electricity, cleaning fee for spilt juice and even 10 minutes using marker pens.
Justifying her bill, Brianna said: "Food is getting so expensive now, I was constantly refilling my kids snacks from all of their friends being over to play at our house.
"I have a very detailed spreadsheet of all of the snacks my kids eat on a regular basis and supplies they use. I calculate how much each individual piece of food or pump of soap cost.
"For example, I weighed out how many ounces each pump of soap is. Then I took the cost of the bottle of soap and divided by the ounces."
Brianna added that she'd personally been charged by another parent before, but this was because her son broke something at the house.

Her video detailing the ordeal has been viewed more than three million times on TikTok, and people have had a lot to say.
One person said: "Wait what?!?!? This has to be a joke. No one would actually do this."
"When you host a play date it is on you," insisted another.
Meanwhile, someone else said her so-called bookkeeping was the 'perfect way to end all friendships for your son'.
Dozens of others labelled the situation as a 'joke', which it may well have could been as Brianna used the hashtag 'Satire' on her now-viral video caption.