Every country has its bad parts, but a new report has revealed the ten most dangerous countries in the world, and the reasons they're so unsettled.
The list comes from the Global Peace Index (GPI) report, which is released every year by the Institute for Economics and Peace.
The report uses 23 different indicators, including political terror and murder rate, to establish a score for each of 163 different countries, accounting for more than 99.7 percent of the world's total population.
The higher the score, the more dangerous the country is. So which countries made the list?
10 - Iraq
With a GPI of 3.01, Iraq is categorized as having 'very low peace'.
The country has recorded improvements in peacefulness, dropping from 3.16 in 2022, but its position as a post-conflict country in the Middle East and North Africa region means it isn't out of the top 10 just yet.
9 - Sudan
Ranking only just above Iraq with a score of 3.02, Sudan comes in at number nine of the most dangerous countries. According to the report, the country has the least peaceful possible score on factors including violent crime, political instability, and the presence of refugees and internally displaced people.
8 and 7 - Somalia and Ukraine
Both Somalia and Ukraine earned scores of 3.04 in the report, with Ukraine experiencing the largest deterioration in overall score in the wake of its war against Russia.
The war has contributed to Ukraine's scores in areas including conflict, mass displacements, and severe humanitarian crises, with almost 30 percent of the country's population now believed to be refugees or internally displaced.
Meanwhile, Somalia has a population in which more than 20 percent are either refugees or internally displaced.
6 - Russia
Following behind Ukraine with a score of 3.14 is its enemy in war, Russia. Though the war itself is across the border, Russia has been deemed the more dangerous of the two counties due to Russian army casualties, the country's economic stresses, and its authoritative government.
The restrictions placed on Russia following the outbreak of the war have also contributed to its score by putting strain on Russia's economy and food trade.
5 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
DR Congo has maintained its status as a dangerous country over the last few years, with frequent attacks, burglaries and kidnappings contributing to its score of 3.21.
As well as danger at the hands of humans, the country is also at risk of natural disasters including floods and volcanic eruptions.
4 - South Sudan
At number four on the list, South Sudan has been dubbed the least-peaceful country in Sub-Saharan Africa due to its score of 3.22.
Its score reflects tensions and conflicts within the country that inhibit its peacefulness, including political instability and humanitarian crises.
PETER LOUIS GUME/AFP via Getty Images 3 - Syria
Rounding out the top three most dangerous countries in the world is Syria, which was given a GPI of 3.29.
The country continues to face ongoing conflict stemming from the civil war which broke out in March 2011, while civil unrest and violent crime also contribute to its position as a dangerous country.
Millions of people have been displaced in the country, while a similar number have also fled the Syria altogether.
2 - Yemen
With a score of 3.35, Yemen is considered the second-most dangerous country in the world as a result of the humanitarian crisis that continues to cause unrest.
While 4.3 million people have fled their homes, 14 million people are at risk of starvation and disease and 24 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance.
However, the country has seen some improvement in peacefulness in the last year, with its score dropping from 3.39 in 2022.
Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images 1 - Afghanistan
The most dangerous country in the world, according to the GPI, is Afghanistan with a score of 3.45.
The score has dropped from 3.55 the year prior, but the latest reports puts Afghanistan as the least peaceful country in the world for the eighth consecutive year.
The scoring comes as a result of the war and civil unrest that has plagued the country for decades.