A TikTok user has opened up about accidentally receiving a seven-minute long voicemail from loved ones that contained 'horrible' comments about her.
Christmas can be tough for a lot of families, with siblings butting heads, parents getting stressed and in-laws becoming upset over whose house you go to for the big day.
Usually you can relax a bit when you're in your own home, but one TikToker named Leah has made clear that that's not always the case, as she found out when someone she thought was a loved one unexpectedly came round to visit.
Christmas can be stressful when people get together (Getty Stock Photos) In a video posted just before Christmas, Leah explained that she doesn't typically listen to her voicemails, but she became aware of this particular message after the visitor showed up at her house.
Leah had been sleeping with her phone on Do Not Disturb, so she hadn't heard the call come through, but the visitor admitted they'd called her and the message was probably there, waiting.
The visitor admitted to Leah that she'd been 'talking sh*t' and began to apologize for what had been said, so Leah let her say her piece before she listened to the message.
"I go look and sure enough, I have a six-minute, 59-second voicemail... The old me immediately would have crashed out, but I didn't... I let her talk," Leah said.
Leah hadn't realized she'd missed the call (Getty Stock Photos) When Leah did eventually listen to the message, she admitted she 'wasn't expecting some of the things that were said'.
Just days earlier, Leah said she and the family members had been hanging out and 'loving on each other', leading her to believe they 'at least' liked her.
"I got a 7-minute long voicemail of people I thought loved me talking sh*t about me together," she said.
Leah chose not to post the voicemail on TikTok - much to the dismay of many of her viewers - but instead shared the story to shed light on how much she's 'grown' this year.
"When you think and react based on logic rather than emotion, you will have so much more peace," she said. "Not forgiving people and holding a grudge can make you so miserable."
Leah assured that the group responsible for the voicemail did apologize to her and she did forgive them even though they had 'no reason' to be talking badly about her.
"In my mind I know that this had nothing to do with me. This is their own issue," she concluded.