A woman has sparked a debate after admitting she refused to take her neighbors kids in a medical emergency.
If something happened and you, and your partner had to leave for the hospital, would you have someone who could take in your kids at the drop of a hat?
Well one couple were left furious after they realized their neighbor wouldn’t help them in their time of need.
However, the woman who refused has taken to Reddit to explain her situation and tried to tell her side of the story.
Asking on the AITA (am I the a**h***) thread last week, the 26-year-old explained why she refused and how difficult it would have been to take on the kids.
And while she did say she was neighbors with the pregnant couple, they were virtually strangers and had hardly spoken in the past.

“I have two kids myself, a 2 yr old and 11 month old. I’m currently solo parenting as my husbands gone away for a few days to spend time with his family and friends,” she wrote.
“Last night around 3am I get a knock on the door, me and my kids are fast asleep. I tried to ignore it as 1 I’m home alone, 2 I wasn’t expecting company and 3, it’s 3am in the morning.
“I open the door, and it’s her and her boyfriend and 2 kids, she’s 9 months pregnant, clearly in labour, they’ve got their hospital bags. They told me if I could take the kids till her sister gets here in a hour.
“I said I’m sorry but no. I don’t want to be liable if anything were to happen to her kids under my care and I don’t want to risk waking mine up.”
The woman added that she expected the couple to plan ahead as she has her hands full with two of her own children.
She also said when she refused the couple called her evil and rude for not taking their children.

Many of those in the comments were undecided on whether the original poster was in the wrong or not.
Some social media users accepted that emergencies happen and a helping neighbor would always be appreciated, especially if the situations were reversed.
However, others noted that she has no obligation to take the children, especially while dealing with her own and it being the very early morning.
In an update, the original poster explained what the couple did instead.
“I just spoke to the other neighbour who took them in and she told me the sister didn’t get there until 8am. Also the kids were awake the entire time and woke up her kids and trashed her house.”
So what do you think? Did she do the right thing?
Topics: Reddit, Social Media, Parenting