A private investigator rubbished the idea that being a P.I is just like is it in the movies, and explained some of the good reasons he has for turning down cases.
What we think of private detectives is probably a bit antiquated. I mean, the stereotype of a shady man in a light brown overcoat and fedora with a massive camera probably isn’t that subtle.
Connecticut private detective Ray Ranno spoke on YouTuber Ian Bick’s podcast, and discussed what the reality is compared to what people think.
Admittedly, it is quite interesting and something you don’t really consider, that there are private detectives wondering the streets with you.

Bick asked whether there were reasons for turning down a case and Ranno explained one of the most important reasons he interviews potential clients before accepting.
He began: “There are a few cases where I am like ‘I’m not touching that.’ I do a lot of bug sweeping, which is basically finding electronics in people’s homes or cars and that happens a lot in marital situations."
“Whatever the case is, they might put a listening or camera device in the house, so I do a lot of sweeps and see if there are any signals coming out.
“I get a lot of those, and before I take those, I really stringently interview the people.
“Because a lot of people will... and I don’t want to be rude about it...”

No, by all means Ranno, you can be a bit rude about it.
He continued: “These people are a little off, they are aluminum foil-type-wearing people. You know right away.
“Those kind of people will call me, and they are willing to spend the money, but I just feel like i am taking advantage of them and it's not right.”
He went on to explain that he would ask a series of questions to the potential client, and it seems they are the questions the foil-hat wearers wouldn’t always think about.
Pretty straight forwardly, he would ask who is bugging them and what legitimate reason would they even have for doing it.
So, if you hired Ranno and just said the ominous ‘they’ was out to get you, it probably wouldn’t cut it.
Ranno even joked: “If you tell me the federal government is after you because you clip your toenails too short, that is not going to work for me, I’m going to turn you down’.
But I guess now would be the perfect time for the government to go after all those short toenail clippers, eh.
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