In an emergency on a plane, you would be forgiven for thinking a parachute would be essential, but there is a very good reason airlines don’t bother with them.
Travelling on a plane can be quite a daunting experience even when things go right, so in an emergency, jumping out of a doomed plane is a good idea, right? Well, not really.
A simulation on the YouTube channel JimiMoso revealed exactly why a parachute isn’t going to be all that helpful for passengers in an emergency.
In fact, as macabre as it might sound, you might end up dying a very painful death all the same.
The video's narrator stated: “If commercial airlines did give you parachutes, you would think it would help but actually it wouldn’t.
“Because the thing is airlines typically cruise at 530 or 600 miles an hour.
“If you jumped out at that speed, you are most likely going to smash into the side of the plane."

They continued: “But let’s say even if you could jump out safely, well commercial airlines are still cruising, minimally, at like 35,000 feet, we are talking 6.6 miles above the ground.
“At that altitude the oxygen levels are so thin you are going to just pass out the first minute, you are also going to get frostbite if not thermal shock because a temperature at that height could reach negative 65 degrees or worse.”
But for argument’s sake, even if none of the previously mentioned factors are an issue, you likely still won’t be needing that parachute...
The narrator continued: “The reality is that most airline accidents happen during takeoff or landing and that is just not enough time or altitude for you to make the decision, wait for other passengers to jump and then figure out how to even use a parachute.
“And that is why commercial airlines don’t even bother with providing parachutes.”
People on social media were thankfully able to find the lighter side of the awful scenario.
One user joked: “Plane is on fire and going down.
“'Uuuuhhhh this is your captain speaking… please form an orderly line at your nearest exit so we can all parachute out safely.' Yeah, good luck.”
Another commented: “If you manage to make it out the door safely, the engine is the final boss.”
A third wrote: “So basically the solution is to buy your OWN parachute, and time the proper moment to jump out instead of jumping out too high.”
With another joking: “If it doesn’t work, then you wouldn’t mind I bring parachute just in case.”
Yeah, never dodged a plane while trying to skydive but if the day comes, I’m sure I’ll make it work.
Topics: Travel, Community, Social Media, YouTube