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Sailors trigger 'glitch in the matrix' as they witness extremely weird water phenomenon while out boating

Sailors trigger 'glitch in the matrix' as they witness extremely weird water phenomenon while out boating

Sailors were left stunned as they tried to work out why they were seeing a weird ocean phenomenon while at sea

A bunch of sailors were left contemplating reality as they witnessed the most bizarre phenomenon while out on their boats.

The ocean is a fascinating and cruel mistress, but sailors often brave them and get to see some of Earth’s wondrous beauties up close.

Well, a video that has long circulated social media has got people scratching their heads asking what on Earth they just saw.

The video has recently been shared on Reddit and shows sailors pretty dumbfounded and convinced they discovered a glitch in the matrix.

As far as we know, they didn’t stumble upon a mythical creature of the deep but the ocean water and waves are certainly seen behaving oddly.

The video was recorded in the Georges Bank, a large elevated area of the sea floor between Cape Cod, Massachusetts (United States), and Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia.

The person recording said: “I just wanted to get a video of this transition here. So the water goes from one state to another like that.

“It really doesn’t work very well on camera this transition,”

And to be fair, at this point in the footage its hard to see any difference. It pretty much just seems like a normal ocean as far as I can tell.

But as the boat gets further out to sea and around the two minute mark you get to see the change.

So maybe Morpheus was right, maybe none of it is real and we really are living in a simulation.

Sailors were pretty dumbfounded and convinced they discovered a glitch in the matrix. (r/interestingasf***/Reddit)
Sailors were pretty dumbfounded and convinced they discovered a glitch in the matrix. (r/interestingasf***/Reddit)

The water appears to go from hectic and choppy to completely calm and serene. As the sailors move into the calmer waters, they can even look behind them and still see the choppy waters flowing quickly

The person recording continued: So this is a transition from Georges Bank to open water, it is torture out here in the middle of the ocean.

“Check out this water, and then in a second it’s just gonna be glassy clear, what the heck. This is crazy. It’s insane. It is just so weird.”

While many people in the comments sectioned questioned what actually is going on, there are some explanations for this strange phenomenon.

One of the sailors said “Check out this water, and then in a second it’s just gonna be glassy clear, what the heck. (r/interestingasf***/Reddit)
One of the sailors said “Check out this water, and then in a second it’s just gonna be glassy clear, what the heck. (r/interestingasf***/Reddit)

The prevailing explanation is the underwater topography is causing the difference in waves on the surface.

The shape of the seabed can influence the behavior of waves. For example, underwater ridges, sandbars, or reefs can cause waves to break in certain areas while leaving others relatively calm.

This suggestion has been supported by the fact that the Georges Bank is at least 330 feet shallower than the Gulf of Maine to the north of it.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/Literally_black1984

Topics: Nature, Reddit, Social Media, Weird, Environment