I hate these kind of tests... but I can't stay away from them, in all honesty - my deluded self thinks 'what if you're conscripted, you need to know if you'll be a sharpshooter'.
God knows why I'm like this, but I know I'm not alone!

A brainteaser has gone viral on Reddit of a picture of an industrial-sized coffee grinder with thousands of beans inside it, as a stone has managed to sneak its way in - but where is it?
If you manage to find the tiny pebble within 10 seconds, then you've got 'sniper vision', as it is so well hidden it's been hard to find for many.
The photo was shared in the subreddit 'FindTheSniper', which sees people post pictures of things 'camouflaged hiding in plain sight'.
Responding to the 'Find the pebble in this coffee' post, one user wrote: "Oh hell no."
Another replied to that comment: "I’m with you. I’m not gonna destroy my brain looking for that."
While a third posted on the social media platform: "Some people just want to watch the world burn."
But... it is actually there to be seen, I'd even say in 'plain sight', but you'd have to zoom it quite a bit to find it - as I did only after finding out the answer.
"Actually found it in less than 10 seconds! And I never find them, even the easier ones!", one person typed.
A second stated: "Left side. Follow where the beans are on the pole down just a little bit. There is something white that looks like a tooth."
While another added: "Found it, left side. i have the hyper focus of a God."
If you liked that one, there are more sneaky snipers waiting for you to find them.
In fact, a photographer managed to capture a snap of a deadly sniper hidden from his target recently, but to the untrained eye, they are practically invisible.

Photographer Simon Menner has managed to capture examples of this in his 'Camouflage' series, which focused on photographing a number of different environments with one thing in common: there were snipers hidden in every image.
So, the question is, can you actually make out the sniper in the photo?
In the description for his series, Menner wrote on his website: "Even though they are invisible due to their professionalism, there are hidden snipers in every of these images. They are aiming at the camera and therefore at the viewer."

Menner was able to capture the photos with the help of the German, Lithuanian, and Latvian Armies, who supported his photography efforts by granting him 'generous access to their snipers'.
Happy hunting!
Topics: Photography, Reddit, Viral, Social Media