There are people for whatever reason that love to watch our world burn, and the best way I know of to weed them out from society is to see who posts optical illusions.
They are the bane of my life, yet I still partake in them because I can't resist the urges inside me - this time, I'm referring to a viral photo retweeted by Joe Rogan that reveals a terrifying picture of a woman's face, on and between, two innocent children.
For those that may have read an article I wrote about a stone hidden among coffee beans in a grinder... you may already realize I have a great distaste for these kind of stories.
In fact, if you have a scan through the introductions to articles I've written, you could probably create a profile on me rather easily.
But we aren't here to analyze me, instead, we'll discuss the photograph that has been freaking people out - and it's creepy to say the least.
The photo has been doing the rounds again recently, but it was actually posted on Twitter in August last year by Josie Glabach and has since been viewed more than 22 million times.

The caption read: "Nearsighted fam: take your glasses off and pull your phone away from you eyes. Look at the blonde girl."
I'll quickly qualify what nearsighted, or shortsighted depending on where you're from, means for those with 20/20.
The Mayo Clinic describes it as: "Nearsightedness is a common vision condition in which close objects look clear but far objects look blurry."
I'm actually shortsighted, so was after a few seconds I was able to see the woman.
The picture depicts two children - a blonde and a brunette.
As you can see in the Twitter post above, the blonde girl is looking at the other girl and they appear to be sat down on something, possibly a wall or a bench, with shrubbery in the backdrop.
If you're looking for the woman you'll have to either take your glasses off if you're shortsighted, or squint heavily if you're vision's good... for longsighted people, I imagine you'd have to get closer to the screen? I don't know, I'm not an optician.
Anyway, the woman's face is at a 45-degree angle and is illustrated on the blonde girl with both her eyes being the shadows under the girls neck and in the middle of her hair, while the woman's nose is created through the bottom right of the girl's blonde hair.
Finally, the mouth is depicted through a crease on the girl's jumper on her chest.
I don't think I'll ever enjoy an optical illusion, but I almost always attempt them.
Topics: Optical Illusions, Twitter, Viral, Photography, Weird