The topic of the supernatural is one that is never too far away from the headlines, no matter how outlandish the story may be.
In the past week, we witnessed the moment a 'ghost' appeared on road that's had lots of fatal accidents on it - something that well and truly spooked the internet.
Now, after a horrific car crash, photos have captured a terrifying ghost-like figure hiding behind a telephone pole.
On Wednesday (24 January), a driver slammed into a utility pole in the early hours of the morning in Mexico City.

Locals that had witnessed the shocking crash called the emergency services, with paramedics quickly arriving at the scene.
Sadly, a 24-year-old man was pronounced dead from head trauma at the scene.
The other, a 23-year-old, was alive and taken to a local hospital with severe head injuries, according to authorities in the Mexican capital.
According to unverified witness reports, the deceased was a takeaway delivery man, while the latter is a ride-share driver.
Just a few yards behind the crashed car, locals have been left convinced that they spotted a 'ghost' in the aftermath of the terrible accident.
In photos that very much seem to mirror a horror movie, a spooky ghost-like figure is very much in view.
The 'ghost' appears to be dressed from head to toe in a black robe, with the snap also showing a pale face with a gaping mouth.
Maybe have compared it to the killer in the Scream movie franchise.

As for the other apparent 'ghost' sightings this week - well, that has certainly spooked the internet as well.
Driving down an empty road at night can be creepy enough as it is; the last thing you need is a supernatural element added into the equation.
I guess you can't tell ghosts what to do though, so one woman from Fresno, California, was forced to deal with it on Monday (22 January).
Thankfully, the woman did at least have footage of the scene to allow other people to share in her experience.
She shared the video after seeing the 'ghost' while on her drive home from Table Mountain Casino, which she recorded due to the fog patches lingering on the road that night.
As the car made its way round a long bend, what looked like a transparent figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the road and took a few steps towards the other lane.
Just as quickly as it appeared, the ghostly figure disappeared once again into the night as the car continued to approach.
Topics: News, Ghosts, World News