The truth has come to light about whether or not the so-called 'Hawk Tuah Girl' lost her job after going viral with an incredible video.
"What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?”
Everyone might have their own risqué answer to this question, but for Nashville resident Haliey Welch, the answer came along with the impression of someone preparing to spit.

In a now-viral video shared by creators Tim & Dee TV, Welch grinned as she responded: "You gotta give ’em that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thing, you get me?"
With this sentence, Welch officially established herself as the 'Hawk Tuah Girl' as the video was picked up and shared across the globe, turning her into the world's latest meme.
As more and more people watched the video, viewers soon began to wonder about who Welch really was, and how the video may have impacted her life.
Before long, one post emerged online claiming Welch had been fired from her job over the NSFW answer she gave to Tim & Dee.
The claim was made in an article by the Tippah County Tribune, and alleged Welch worked as a pre-school teacher who had been sacked after the school discovered her video.
The article even featured an apparent 'statement' from the school, which read: "We have kids spitting on each other and everything else since they heard their beloved Miss Hailey say 'spit on that thang' on YouTube.
"They really look up to her as a role model and imitate the things that she does. "We love Hailey but unfortunately we cannot allow this type of behavior from one of our very own faculty members."
Obviously Welch hadn't meant any harm with her reaction, so many people became concerned after hearing that she might have lost her job.

"Hawk tuah girl went into hiding, lost her teaching job," one post reads on X.
However, a closer inspection of Tippah County Tribune reveals it to be 'Tippah County’s #1 Publication For Satirical Laughs'.
The article it wrote about Welch was satirical, and I can assure anyone concerned that the rumor of Welch losing her job is, in fact, fake news.
It's unclear what Welch actually does for a job - one man who knows her, Jason Poteete, told the Rolling Stone she was 'overwhelmed' by the attention and ask that he not share any of her personal details.
However, Welch has capitalized on her viral fame by selling merchandise based on the video, and has teamed up with Poteete to sell at least $65,000 worth of merch so far.
Topics: Life, Social Media, TikTok, Viral, Hawk Tuah girl