As long as there are rich people, there will be gold diggers.
Whether they are attracted to the power that having money brings, or whether it's the wallet/purse bursting with cash, gold diggers are going to dig - and you got to respect it.

A lot of people don't but come on, if you're dating someone 60 years your senior then that is a full-time job - 24/7, 365 days a year.
There are mixed views with gold digging and I obviously sit on the more nonchalant side of the fence.
One woman has taken to Reddit to slam her date, asking the question on the AITAH (am I the a**hole) forum.
She said: "I went on a date with a guy, who I met through a dating app. The date started out good, we had a great time until I asked him what he does for work.
"He said he is a tradesman and I asked what kind of. He seemed to hesitate for half a second then said carpenter.
"I started asking him questions, like what kind of carpentry he does, furniture, structural, roofing, etc. Carpentry is such an interesting topic so I was genuinely curious. But he fumbled and kind of tried to change the topic, which I was not having."

She continued: "He ended up admitting that he is not a carpenter, he just wanted to test me.
"He apparently makes a lot of money and wants women to like him because of his personality and not for his money. So he has to be cautious and made up a 'low-paying job' as a test.
"I told him his personality is dishonest and he failed my test of being a decent person."

That's an absolutely brutal reply but I know I've been sat here siding with the woman in this scenario, but he's obviously been stung by a gold digger previously, so there will be reasons behind it.
She added: "When I was complaining to one of my friends, she said that I overreacted a bit and at least should’ve asked about his past experiences, because he has probably been burned before and I have no idea what it’s like to be a high earning man.
"But I kind of do have an idea, as I work with a lot of well-paid men and none of them do outrageous bullshit like this. AITAH?"
Straight away users came to the defence of the woodworking industry - and rightfully so.
One user said: "Also 'low paying job'? A good carpenter makes decent af money."
While another said: "Union carpenters are making well over $100K a year."
But the overwhelming response was she was NTA (not the a**hole).
One person replied: "'I'd like to start this potential relationship by lying to you' 'I think that's shitty as fuck and you can go fuck'. Good for you, NTA."
With another commenting: "NTA. We have no evidence that he really is a high earning man. Just his word. But you do have evidence his is a liar."
Personally, I get if you've been hurt but playing a character on a date will only hurt the next person. What do you think?
Topics: Reddit, Social Media, US News, Sex and Relationships