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Residents make terrifying discovery inside pool filter and take drastic measures

Residents make terrifying discovery inside pool filter and take drastic measures

I think I'd just prefer to move if I made this discovery in a pool to be honest

Two guys found an unwelcomed guest in their pool and decided they would deal with it in the most bizarre way.

If you are lucky enough to have a pool, good on you, but how far would you go to keep pesky invaders out of it?

In a video that has gone viral on social media, people are shocked at what they are seeing and might even make them reconsider going for that afternoon dip.

To paint a picture, a guy recording the video is repeatedly screaming for another guy, Jacob, about something going into a hole in the side of the pool.

Now, at first we don’t actually see what this ‘something’ is but from the guy’s yells we at least know it has a tail. But that hardly narrows things down much to be honest.

The person then instructs Jacob to lift the pool filter lid and grab whatever it is out.

The person then reveals probably the last thing anyone wanted to hear, that it's a snake. Yup, a snake.

It is right here that I would have noped out and simply left, no snakes for me today.

But Jacob then grabs a pole to lift the lid where you can see a big ol snake nestled all cosy like.

The video then cuts and my man Jacob is tugging at the snake, with his friend encouraging to pull the snake completely out of the filter. Mind out of the gutter please.

If that wasn’t mad enough, Jacob then lets the snake go and it slithers back into the pool where he decides it would be a great idea to dive into the pool and tussle with the snake underwater.

Yup i am not grabbing these things by the tail (Getty Stock Image)
Yup i am not grabbing these things by the tail (Getty Stock Image)

In seemingly his best tarzan impression, Jacob is actually successful at grabbing the snakes head and hoisting it out of the water, much to the bemusement of the guy recording.

A whole lot of nope from me there but hey it made for entertaining viewing and people on social media have been expressing their shock at the whole incident.

“This Jacob dude should be called Tarzan,” one person commented on Twitter.

“I don't have such bravery, I'll sell the house after I discover such [a thing] there,” commented another.

Snakes are surprisingly good swimmers (Getty Stock Image)
Snakes are surprisingly good swimmers (Getty Stock Image)

“Another fear unlocked. Thanks,” joked a third.

However, not everyone was convinced. Not that they didn’t think that the incident didn’t happen, but rather that based on the snake being so calm, the snake likely belongs to Jacob.

I mean how many snakes do you know that react relatively unbothered after being grabbed in the face and yanked from their tale.

But you be the judge.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@datchughuy

Topics: Animals, Social Media, Viral, Twitter