For those of you who have been losing sleep over what would happen if you jumped off the top of a pyramid, your prayers have now been answered.
YouTuber Atomic Marvel has done it again and provided us with a terrifying simulation of what jumping off a pyramid would 'look like'.
Watch below, if you dare:
"Here is the answer for biggest unanswered question of few millennia," Atomic Marvel writes in their YouTube description for the video.
The animated clip shows, what looks like, a well educated man holding a briefcase, all while stood on top of a pyramid in the middle of a desert.
After sorting out his explorer hat, the cartoon man dressed in a white shirt, black waistcoat, and black trousers decides to leap off the top.
I wonder how it went for him...
Well, he instantly loses control of his briefcase and his hat goes flying while simultaneously falling mid-air towards the sandy scenery.

As you'd expect, the animated chap smashes into the huge steps below, bouncing off them like a crash test dummy, before landed on the sand way down below, where he has surely died.
After racking up over 300,000 views on YouTube, people in the comments were indeed very grateful for the simulation.
"These physics and graphics are amazing. Solar illumination and colors are ultra realitic," one person commented.
"Camera distance and horizon blur makes it seem like watching a real footage which ads scariness to the viewers. "Thanks for this great video."
"That gentleman who jumped cleared a lot of those stone steps! Just wish the camera was a bit closer so we could see all the ragdoll effects on the model as it hit the steps and all the physics involved," added another.
While a third person also wrote: "With how long that pyramid has been around, the odds that someone jumped off of it exactly like that are definitely not zero."

Well, this is not the first terrifying simulation the YouTuber has produced.
Atomic Marvel has also provided us with a simulation of what would happen if you fell into a jet airplane engine.
The YouTuber fails to leave out any of the gory details of a very possible freak accident.
The awful ordeal begins by showing the human figure being sucked into the engine before quickly disintegrated into small red particles, like a tomato in a smoothie blender.
Close-up shots show just how quickly death would arrive for the unlucky person, as they isn’t much left of the animated human within a few seconds.
Topics: YouTube, Social Media, Viral