A simulation showing what would happen if you were to be swallowed by a whale is unlocking a new fear in people.
Not only that, a recent incident in Chile proved that while the chance of being swallowed by a whale is slim, it's not impossible.
Last weekend, Adrián Simancas was kayaking with his father through the Strait of Magellan, off Chile's Patagonian coast, with his father, Dell, when Adrián was suddenly swallowed up by a whale.

The horrifying moment was caught on camera by Dell and, by means of a miracle, Adrián survived the ordeal.
Adrián admitted that he thought he was a goner.
"At first I thought I had died," he told Associated Press. "It was like, of course, a lot of terror because I thought no, no, there was nothing I can do."
Going on to recall the moment it happened, Adrián said: "I saw something between blue and white that passed close to my face and it was like on one side and above me. I didn't understand what was happening and then I felt like I was drowning."
Now, a simulation of what would happen to you if you were swallowed by a whale is doing the rounds.
Zack D Films made the viral clip last year and it left people 'traumatized'.
To date, the video has been viewed a staggering 62 million times.
The narrator says in the video: “If you were swallowed by a sperm whale you would be squeezed down its massive throat. You’d continue down its esophagus and into a series of stomach chambers that are filled with digestive acids."
This is certainly as terrible as it sounds, and this is emphasized by the dummy used in the simulation having a permanent screaming face.
The narrator continued: “These acids would immediately start breaking down your body but even if you managed to avoid the acid, the lack of air inside the whale would quickly cause you to suffocate.”
Commenting on video, one person penned: "Bro I swear this channel gives me unlocking phobias."

“This is ACTUALLY traumatizing, not just a slightly weird animation,” penned someone else.
“What makes it scarier is that theres no light and the smell, whenever you try to ask for help no one would hear you and you will just rot there,” another added.
Fortunately, this wasn't the case for Adrián though and he was spat out by the whale that swallowed him then towed back to safety by his father.
I'm not sure if Adrián is a gambling man or not, but I'd be doing this week's lottery if I were him!