Many of us have misconceptions or gaps in our knowledge about places around the world, and now one woman has shared a big realisation, and has a lot of questions.
She posted a video to TikTok asking about a big difference between the USA and Australia. It's not the abundance of deadly animals, as after all, both countries are home to a variety of dangerous wildlife, whether it's crocs or gators both are dangerous!
But it wasn't animals that she was asking about, but the cycle of the seasons. Many people will be aware that when it's summer in the USA, it's winter in Australia and, of course, vice versa.
Jenna Lu took to TikTok to put some questions to people.
She said: "I need somebody from Australia to explain this to me as I don't understand how this works.
"I learned recently in Australia, it's wintertime right now. Right now it's August in America and for you guys it's winter.
'For me, I think of June, July, August as summer months.
"So I'm just confused because do you first of all still call it August and second of all, is August, if you do call it that, a winter month for you?"

Things are indeed different Down Under, with Christmas indeed falling in the summer.
She continued: "For us in the fall, we have pumpkins and apples because they're in season, but in the spring for you they wouldn't be in season, so do you guys not have pumpkins at Halloween?"
While Halloween is not a public holiday in Australia, it is growing in popularity.
But of course, there is one holiday which is markedly different, at least in climate if not in the festivities. That is, of course, Christmas.
Put aside visions of snow and roaring fires, and replace it with a summer party.
Lu said: "When you have Christmas, does all of your guys' marketing stuff have Santa Claus dressed in a swimsuit?' she said.
"Do you guys still have traditional Christmas food that's like for wintertime? Like hot chocolate?"

One person shared: "Our traditional Christmas food is very summery. Lots of seafood, prawns, pavlova, beers, BBQs."
Lu added: "Every time I think about this my brain wants to die because it's so confusing to me, because like everything seems like it would be backwards for you guys."
Or maybe Australia has it the right way and it's the us in the north that do everything backwards!
People were quick to jump in the comments to take the mick.
One person wrote: "Wait till she hears about the countries that only have 2 seasons."
Another responded to the question about Augsut, saying: "Good question!! You guys call it August, July and June but we call it Waugust, Wuly and Wune cos it’s winter."