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People are just finding out the real reason why there is no letter 'E' grade in school

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People are just finding out the real reason why there is no letter 'E' grade in school

Ever wondered why you never got an E at school?

People are just finding out why there's no letter E grade at school.

While it definitely wouldn't be the best grade to achieve even if it did exist, we've often wondered why the grading system tends to go from A-D before skipping E and going straight to F.

Turns out, there's a pretty straightforward reason why and it makes a lot of sense.

People are just realising why there's no grade E (Getty Stock Photo)
People are just realising why there's no grade E (Getty Stock Photo)

According to the Washington Post, grading at school dates back to 1883 when a student was given a B at Harvard University.

Apparently, the concept of grading as a way of evaluating work was popular, and so the idea of awarding different letters as grades took off.

Fast forward a few years and in 1897, Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts was the first school to continue the idea.

The school gave an A grade for a score of 95-100 percent, a B was equal to 85-94 percent, a C represented 76-84 percent and a D was 75 percent. Anything below this was an E which also meant that the student had failed the exam.

Grading dates back to 1883 (Getty Stock Photo)
Grading dates back to 1883 (Getty Stock Photo)

This has changed somewhat over the years, with different letters representing slightly different percentages, meanwhile the letter F was also added in.

However, the reason why some schools took out E is actually very simple.

Turns out that some parents and students were mistaking E for 'excellent' - and of course, it actually means the opposite.

Swapping E for F - which could stand for 'fail' - made more sense.

Schools were worried E could be perceived as 'excellent' (Getty Stock Photo)
Schools were worried E could be perceived as 'excellent' (Getty Stock Photo)

Some people have found the logic behind this a little odd, however.

Many pointed out that the letters could stand for many different words, such as B for 'bad' or A for 'average'.

On a YouTube explainer by Zack D. Films, one person commented: "So they can’t use E because they thought it meant 'Excellent' But what about F For 'Fantastic'?"

While another said: "'Mom I got an F in my test! It means 'fantastic' right?'"

And a third added: "In my elementary school we had A, B, I, D and F.

"'I' meant 'improvement needed' as opposed to using the letter C."

And a fourth wrote: "Always thought it was like 'you failed so badly that we're just gonna skip over E and give you an F. That's how badly you did.' lol."

Meanwhile, a fifth commented: "Lmao, my school always uses E as the lowest grade but never uses F, this is funny to watch."

Featured Image Credit: Neustockimages/andresr/Getty Images

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