The original design for Voldemort's face in the Harry Potter movies is pure nightmare fuel.
Before Ralph Fiennes made his debut as He Who Must Not Be Named in The Goblet of Fire, instantly becoming one of cinema's great villains, fans were given a glimpse of the Dark Lord in the climax of The Philosopher's Stone.
If you cast your mind back to the first film, Professor Quirrell removes his turban to reveal Voldemort on the back of him, originally voiced by Ian Hart, with a rather creepy face - if only they went for the original design.

Over on the r/interestingasf*ck subreddit, u/ZapForTheWing posted photos of the first-ever design for Professor Quirrell's horrid Voldemort face.
Instead of the ghoulish look we see in the movie, its nose is closer Fiennes' makeup in the later films, only with the addition of a massive mouth with spiky teeth and an extended skull. If it anything, it bears some resemblance to the hybrid from Alien Resurrection.
The photos were posted with the caption: "This was the first ever design of Voldemort, which many find far more terrifying." After thousands of comments, it appears the consensus is in agreement with this statement.
One user wrote: "Damn I was already scared of the design they went with as a child. This woulda straight up traumatised me."
Another user replied: "Actually this design pays homage to Edward Mordrake the two faced man of myth. It is said that he was born with a second face on the back of his head.
"The thing was it was a parasitic twin that never developed and was female. It used to say and whisper only bad and evil things and constantly mumbled to Edward. It only smiled when Edward was unhappy. Similar one was in [American Horror Story]."
While undoubtedly quite an imposing design, some fans are glad they went for something simpler down the line.
One user wrote: "Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I'm glad they ended up with the more 'human' version of Voldemort that Ralph Fiennes played in the movies.
"All this extra prosthetics/CGI would have done is made it more difficult for Fiennes to deliver the amazing performance he delivered and instead reduced Voldemort to a stereotypical 'snake guy'.
"The Voldemort in the movies is far more terrifying than this version because of the quality of the performance."
Another commented: "It’s far more terrifying that Voldemort has a face that’s slightly yet distinctly not human. He looks like a human where something has gone wrong."
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Topics: Harry Potter, Film and TV, Entertainment