James Gunn reckons the Guardians of the Galaxy would mop the floor with Marvel's all-star superhero team The Avengers.
The American filmmaker is gearing up to leave his days at Marvel behind and will be taking on a full-time gig at DC Comics to run the rival studio.
And, as he prepares to say farewell to Marvel Studios once and for all, Gunn has weighed in on a question that no one had really asked anyway: Who would win in a fight between the Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers?
Gunn sat down with Smallville actor Michael Rosenbaum on his Inside Of You podcast to chat about all things pertaining to the two cinematic universes.
"Listen, I always thought that the Guardians would beat the s**t out of The Avengers easily," Gunn explained.
"Like, it's just they're from outer space.
"They have technology that is pretty advanced, so it would be hard to beat them."
Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe did not agree with Gunn's assessment at all, with most siding with The Avengers in a showdown between the two superhero squads.
One Twitter user said: "Sorry, James, but I gotta disagree on this one ... still, Thor and Hulk (especially in their prime) would likely crush most of the Guardians."
A second person chimed in with: "The Hulk and Thor alone would dog walk them [and] Iron Man with his nano tech... especially if he had all his suits from Iron Man 3."
While a third added: "Hulk runs through all of them."
Another posted a laughing emoji, adding: "Thor and Hulk are enough, I can’t even lie."
The Guardians of the Galaxy films follow a ragtag group of heroes from outer space, made up of Star-Lord (played by Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Drax (Dave Bautista), Rocket (Bradley Cooper), and Groot (Vin Diesel).
The interstellar team of misfits take on formidable foes across space, usually just pulling through due to their unbreakable bond with each other.
The Avengers is made up of some of the most well-known Marvel characters, including Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner).
They're a powerful force and have repeatedly saved the world.
They even brought half of the universe's population back to life by undoing Thanos' snap in Avengers: Endgame.
Well, it may be lucky Gunn has chosen to show himself the door at Marvel Studios, because he's just received a massive thumbs down from Marvel Cinematic Universe fans all around the globe.
Topics: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, James Gunn, Avengers, Avengers Endgame, Film and TV, Entertainment, Guardians Of The Galaxy