Millie Bobby Brown has spoken out about fans' speculation surrounding Stranger Things' character Will Byers' sexuality. Warning: season four spoilers ahead.
The Stranger Things gaggle of friends have been flung back into the spotlight since the fourth season dropped on Netflix on Friday (27 May).
However, the character of Will Byers has received particular attention from fans eager to know more about his sexuality.
Co-star Millie Bobby Brown and the actor who plays Will himself, Noah Schnapp, have been quick to shut down such questioning.
Season four sees the friendship between Will Byers and Mike Wheeler (Finn Wolfhard) strained.
A fair bit of distance has been put between the pair since Will moved away and there's been a lack of communication. A lot of Mike's focus has also been on his romantic relationship with Eleven.
Fans have suggested that Will may have felt particularly wounded not only because he's grown apart from his best friend, but has had his heart hurt too due to potentially being in love with Mike himself.
However, Brown and Schnapp have advised fans not to try and put labels on Will's sexuality.
Schnapp told Variety: "I feel like they never really address it or blatantly say how Will is.
"I think that’s the beauty of it, that it’s just up to the audience’s interpretation, if it’s Will kind of just refusing to grow up and growing up slower than his friends, or if he is really gay."
Brown interjected by acknowledging how 'it's 2022 and we don't have to label things'.
She said: "I think what’s really nice about Will’s character is that he’s just a human being going through his own personal demons and issues.
"So many kids out there don’t know, and that’s OK. That’s OK to not know. And that’s OK not to label things.
"It’s such an amazing role for Noah to play. And to be that role model for kids out there who don’t know what they’re going through growing up."
Further speculation around Will's sexuality was sparked when Wolfhard agreed that Will's feelings towards Mike are 'shifting towards a more endearing, kind of heartfelt, romantic affection' in season four.
During an interview with Digital Spy, he said: "I think you find out slowly through the season, Will’s kind of love towards Mike and I think it’s a really beautiful thing."
The suggestion of Will being in love with Mike was also echoed in a promotional video posted on 23 May for Netflix Mexico.
In the clip, David Harbour - who plays the character of Jim Hopper - told viewers they 'should know that Will is not interested in El'.
He continued: "He’s interested in someone else in the group. Will wants to be in the basement with Mike playing D&D for the rest of his life."
Schnapp resolved by agreeing with Brown surrounding the unnecessary nature of labels.
The actor said: "Will is kind of like a zebra in a field of horses. He kind of stands out. He’s just confused and growing up. And that’s what it is to be a kid.
"It’s just nice to see that and have that shown on Stranger Things for fans to connect to and be able to relate to. Because so many of our viewers are young kids who are at that stage in their life."
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