Whether you were an avid fan or couldn't stand them, no-one can deny that the Twilight movies contain some extremely cringy lines.
In fairness, Twilight is far from alone when it comes to how cringy it actually is.
There's some stiff competition, for example the iconic, 'I don't make love, I f*ck... hard' from 50 Shades of Grey.
God, that guy was just a whole parade's worth of red flags. For god's sake Anastasia, RUN!
And who can forget 300, with Leonidas' reply to a Persian messenger who says 'this is madness', to which the rather shouty king responds: 'Madness?! THIS. IS. SPARTA', before kicking him down a well in slow motion.
So much for diplomatic immunity.
But, while many movies can boast one cringy line, Twilight has become known for the sheer number of lines, which have audiences wincing from second-hand embarrassment.
So what are our candidates? Well, we have to start off with a classic.

Everyone's favourite sparkly vampire is taking Bella for a ride (no not like that, this series is a chastity metaphor remember?), and tells her: "You better hold on tight spider monkey", before using his vampire speed to shoot off.
It's certainly cringy, but is it the most cringy?
How about when Mr Cullen is explaining to Bella how it feels to be a vampire around a human. He says: "You're like my own personal brand of heroin."
Yeah that's pretty cringy alright. There's more though.
In case there was any doubt about the chastity metaphor, this line clears things up when Edward says: "Stop trying to take your clothes off. It might be too late for my soul, but I will protect yours."
Remember, sleeping with your long term partner means that morally speaking, you're basically a vampire.

For the sheer 'what the hell?!' factor, one line does stick out, when Bella discovers the nickname for her child is Nessie, prompting her to rage: "YOU NICKNAMED MY DAUGHTER AFTER THE LOCH NESS MONSTER?!"
These are all very strong contenders, but there is one line which sticks out for multiple reasons. It's not just the cringe of the line, but the fact that the more you think about it, the worse it gets.
People had some strong reactions online.
One person wrote: "My sister will still nostalgia watch these with me but theyre definitely not good."
Another posted: "Everything about this is so cringy and then they had to double it with 50 Shades."
But one line, according to fans on Reddit, is the cringiest of them all.
Fans have probably guessed it by now, but it is indeed: "Bella! Where the hell have you been, loca?"
Even by itself this line just sounds weird. But one person's response says it all, saying: "It's like it was briefly forgotten he was supposed to be 'Native American' and suddenly became 'Hispanic.'"
Topics: Film and TV, News, Robert Pattinson, US News, Social Media, Reddit