Here you can read news and features from Germany, including a 'hypervaccinated' man getting 217 Covid jabs and The Princess of Saxony appearing on the cover of Playboy.
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<p>Former pope Benedict XVI has been accused of misconduct in multiple child abuse cases. The accusations come from law firm Spilker Westphal Wastl following an investigation in Germany that sought to analyse how abuse cases were dealt with in the archdiocese of Munich and Freising between the years of 1945 and 2019. The report was <a href="" title="Read more" >…</a></p>
<p>German police have come under fire for using data from the country’s coronavirus tracing app to assist with a criminal investigation. The incident began when a man fell over in the south-western city of Mainz, Germany, on November 29, 2021. Despite being rushed to hospital, the victim died from his injuries a few days later. <a href="" title="Read more" >…</a></p>