NASA made the discovery last year
Jerry Linenger battled an almost fatal fire onboard the Russian space station Mir back in 1997
NASA's creation broke records as it passed Jupiter
It turns out that being in space has a pretty huge impact on astronauts' bodies
Stranded or not, Christmas in space would be cool
Scientists say the achievement would be the 'equivalent' to the 1969 moon landing
It's not just Santa who's taking to the sky soon, with NASA revealing there are five asteroid approaches incoming
Jeran Campanella wanted to see if the sun really did stay up at midnight in Antarctica
A conspiracy theorist flew thousands on a trip costing $35,000 to prove to his fanbase the world is flat, only to discover science is right
I hope they are comfortable floating in space at this point
The findings have made scientists 'rethink everything they know' about planetary formation
The light weight helicopter crash landed earlier this year
A conspiracy theorist who has appeared in multiple documentaries about the 'Earth being flat' confessed to being wrong
The researchers studied sediments from a 90 million-year-old rock formation
One food astronauts are 'forbidden' from eating in space as flammable farts could cause an explosion
Taking 'silent but deadly' to a different dimension
The ISS will come crashing down to Earth after 2030
The space project will be the first of its kind and is expected to launch in just a few years
Siri, play 'Fireball' by Pitbull
How Elon Musk will destroy the International Space Station after securing $843,000,000 NASA contract
Parts of the ISS will vaporize as the station re-enters Earth's atmosphere, NASA has said
The ISS was never built to last forever
The Mars discovery could also prove that warm, salty water flowed from the Martian mountain dubbed Mount Sharp
The mission is set to launch in 2028
Sunita Williams and Barry 'Butch' Wilmore have been up on the International Space Station for over five months