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Adam Sandler And Barack Obama Spotted Playing Golf

Adam Sandler And Barack Obama Spotted Playing Golf

Adam Sandler and Barack Obama play golf and fans are thrilled

In news everyone wanted to hear this morning, Adam Sandler and Barack Obama have been spotted playing golf.

The Happy Gilmore star and former president were spotted hitting the links on Saturday, January 29, and after pictures were shared to Twitter, people loved to see it.

The caption read 'the rumors were real. Happy Gilmore and Barack Obama playing golf together on Saturday. This has the makings of a sequel.'

Fans quickly responded to the pictures of the unlikely duo, with one saying, 'I recognize that dopey look anywhere,' and another adding, 'Two of my favourites.'

News of the relaxing outing came just a day after Sander's latest film, Home Team, was released on Netflix.

The film stars Kevin James and focuses on the real life story of Sean Payton, and is already in Netflix's top 10 – because honestly, what Adam Sandler movie hasn't been there?

Adam Sandler (Alamy)
Adam Sandler (Alamy)

Sean Payton was head coach of the New Orleans Saints, but was suspended in 2012 for the entire NFL season due to his role in 'Bountygate'.

Bountygate was a scandal in which members of the New Orleans Saints team were accused of placing 'bounties' on injuring players.

While suspended, Payton coached his son's football team, which so far does sound like a great movie plot.

The film also stars Taylor Lautner as Troy Lambert, who coaches the team alongside James's character.

Speaking with Screen Rant, James spoke about portraying Payton and whether the pair had spoken much during filming.

James said, 'He was great in saying, 'You can do what you want'. He wasn't saying, 'You got to do this or that'. But we wanted it to be a true representation.'

He added that Payton had been 'fantastic' in letting him run with the character.

Kevin James (Alamy)
Kevin James (Alamy)

James said, 'It's a comedy, and we do take that, and it's based on a true story, but he was fantastic. He was in this the whole way.'

He explained, 'He gave me a bunch of notes on how to do things and it was very helpful to watch how he operates. But he was never like, 'You have to do it this way'.'

While Payton seemed pretty relaxed about the whole thing, there were points when James got nervous.

He added, 'It's kind of nerve-wracking having him on set, watching you play him. So my accent, like I said, was all over the joint. But yeah, it was fun.'

Home Team is streaming on Netflix now, and honestly, that's our evening sorted.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Adam Sandler, Barack Obama, Netflix, Twitter, Film and TV