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Shake Shack founder Danny Meyer believes you shouldn't have to tip when ordering a coffee or takeout

Shake Shack founder Danny Meyer believes you shouldn't have to tip when ordering a coffee or takeout

He said customers had 'no obligation to tip whatsoever'

Shake Shack founder Danny Meyer believes you shouldn't have to tip when ordering a coffee or takeout.

The New York City restaurateur and the Founder & Executive Chairman of the Union Square Hospitality Group shared his opinions on tipping culture when it comes to certain circumstances.

Meyer, 65, explained exactly why he thinks customers shouldn't feel the 'obligation' to tip whenever they purchase a cup of java to-go or pick up their favorite takeout meal.

Shake Shack founder Danny Meyer said customers shouldn't feel an 'obligation' to tip in certain circumstances.
Noam Galai / Getty Images

Speaking on CNBC's Squawk Box on 6 July, the restaurateur declared: "If you’re just taking out food, and it was just a transaction - I give you money, you give me a cup of coffee - I don’t think there’s any obligation to tip whatsoever."

And this is not the first time Meyer has openly voiced his disapproval of America's tipping culture.

Speaking on The Sporkful podcast back in 2017, the businessman said that tipping was 'one of the biggest hoaxes pulled on an entire culture'.

Meyer's recent remarks have since re-opened the extremely heated debate surrounding tipping culture in the US, with many social media users rushing in to share their verdict on the matter.

Meyer's remarks re-opened the heated debate surrounding tipping culture.

Many agreed with Meyer's comments, with one Instagram user writing: "Tipping at restaurants is one thing… but tipping for coffee? Nahhhh."

One individual, who works in the hospitality sector, added: "As a bartender in the service industry; I agree. If all you did was take my order and tell me how much I owe, I’m not tipping.

"However, if you’re serving my table, bringing an experience and actually SERVING me, I’m gonna tip. It’s as simple as that. All these Starbucks workers and coffee shop baristas begging for tips is ruining it for those of us that ACTUALLY serve their guests."

People shared their opinions on Meyer's tipping comments.

A third went as far as to claim: "Tipping culture is very toxic."

Others took the opportunity to call for companies and businesses to raise their workers' wages to take the 'pressure' off the public to bump up their pay.

One Instagram user wrote: "Let's normalize these business paying decent to their employees instead of pressuring the public to tip."

"Shouldn’t be on the people to cover the lack of pay given by large companies," echoed a second. "Tipping should be for above and beyond services, not doing your job. Respectfully."

A final social media user stated: "Raise wages and remove the idea of tipping altogether."

Where do you stand?

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@baoeatbao/Noam Galai/Getty Images

Topics: Food and Drink, Money, Life