The creators of the iconic red plastic cup have explained once and for all what the lines on the containers are actually there for.
You'll have probably heard all sorts of rumors about the lines on red plastic cups over the years, ranging from the 'perfect amount of beer for beer pong' to 'the perfect spirt and mixer ratios'.
As you can tell from my examples, the speculation is often centered around alcohol, suggesting the cups are designed for over-21s. But that's not actually the case.
With so many people left wondering about what the lines on the iconic cups are for, the manufacturer of Solo cups decided to put everyone's minds to rest and answer the question on its website.
Knowing that so much time has been spent wondering about the lines, Solo described the question of their purpose as 'one of the greatest mysteries of our time'.
On its website, the creators went on to explain that when Solo cups were first launched in the 1970s, the original 18oz cups featured three lines that did have a purpose - albiet a loose one.

The lines roughly equaled 1, 5 and 12 ounces of liquid when poured into the cup; measurements that led some fans of the container to associate them with alcohol.
Rumors swirled that the 1oz line was suitable for liquor, 5oz worked for a serving of wine, and 12oz could be used for beer.
However, Solo has made clear that while the lines did roughly match certain measurements, they don't relate specifically to measures of alcohol.

"These lines mean something different for everyone!," the site reads.
"For some, it means a responsible pour at their next tailgate. For others, it means a more secure grip as they man the grill at the BBQ. And for our littler fans, it means they can stack and unstack our cups into a pyramid without them sticking together."
Fast-forward to the creation of the modern cups, which Solo decided to manufacture with no lines at all.
However, the cups are still representative of something.
Solo explained: "Whether it’s lines, grips, or a square base, one thing our cup always means is good times are on the horizon."
So if you happen to come across an old Solo cup featuring lines, whether you choose to measure your liquid by the line is up to you. What really matters is that you're in for a good time.
Topics: Food and Drink, Viral, Life