One of the things we probably all hated at one point as a kid was brushing our teeth.
Standing in the bathroom while your parent supervises to make sure we are cleaned them properly, it's a hatred that you eventually grow out of when you realise it's important to keep your teeth clean.
But for some people, it can become more of an on-going issue for multiple reasons - some of which can't be helped.
One of these people was Jay, who went onto Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies back in 2017 about his teeth, which he admitted he hadn't brushed in 20 years.
Embarrassing Bodies is a show in which people who suffer from quite strange health inflictions that they've been to embarrassed to visit the doctor about, so go on live TV instead.
And Jay was keen to repair the years of damage inflicted onto his teeth.
He explained that he had suffered from teeth problems since he was a young boy as he wasn't encouraged to brush his teeth.

He also explained that his diet hadn't helped things either, saying: "Over the years, I've eaten the wrong food, I've drank lots of fizzy drinks and I haven't really taken care of them."
Adding: "I haven't really brushed them or flossed or anything like that."
Examining Jay's teeth, dentist Dr James Russell said: "There's a lot going on, isn't there? It's not that you're suffering from gum disease as such... it's just decay."
The examination showed just how much damage the plaque build-up has caused over the years - basically rotting his teeth all together.

After heading to the show for help, he was relieved to hear that there was a way to save his nashers - giving him new ones.
The dentist advised a full set of veneers for the then 21-year-old and was also strictly advised to change his lifestyle to maintain them.
Along with a new trim and a clean shaven face, Jay looks like a different fella all together.
At least that's a better job then what happened to this TikToker.

Layla Muntas - who goes by the name of @laylamuntas on TikTok - was being being prepared for orthodontic treatment when her dentist ended up giving her three front teeth.
I know, confusing right?
In a video that now has over 33 million views, Layla asked her followers: "Why did my dentist think three front teeth was a pretty look?"
Adding: "Fake tooth between my two front teeth until I get ma fakin braces."
Although she clarified it wasn't a permanent addition but because she had a gap filed in between her front teeth which the dentist covered with another for 'aesthetic purposes'.
I mean, everyone has a different idea of what is aesthetically pleasing right?
Topics: Health, News, Film and TV