Here's how often you should wash your bed sheets to avoid health problems further down the line.
It's never a fun chore is it? While it may be quicker than running the vacuum around the house or doing the gardening, many would argue changing your bed sheets is a bit of a faff.
Nonetheless, we still have to do considering the hygiene disadvantages of using the same bed sheets - but how long is too long?
Well, Martin Seeley, CEO and sleep expert at MattressNextDay, revealed what will happen if you don't wash them often enough.
"Further studies show that the average bedding harbours around 20,000 dust mites which can be triggering for those that suffer from allergies," he said.

How often should I wash me sheets?
Martin advises you wash your bedding at 'least once a week'.
"Given that 80 percent of dust mites are made up of your dead skin, which you naturally produce more of overnight, you should be washing your bedding at least once a week," Martin added.
What happens if you don't wash your bed sheets regularly?
To begin with, dust mites can cause stuffy noses and congestion, though not washing can produce more serious health implications.
A study of hospital bed linen in 2013 from the Institut Pasteur de Lille in France found Staphylococcus bacteria on the dirty sheets.
While usually harmless, it can cause acne, skin infections and even pneumonia. The latter can leave you with a ton of nasty symptoms that include struggling to breathe, coughing, a fever, chills, fatigue, and chest pain.
Another study in 2018 in Nigeria found E. coli on unwashed hospital linen, along with bacteria that could cause urinary tract infections, pneumonia, diarrhoea, meningitis and sepsis.
Dr Manal Mohammed told the BBC: "People carry bacteria as part of their skin microbiome and can shed them in large numbers.
"Although these bacteria are typically harmless, they can cause serious illness if they enter the body through open wounds."

How often should you wash pillows and duvets?
According to WebMD, pillows should be washed at least twice a year, or four times a year if you have pets or eat in bed. They should also be replaced every one to two years.
Dr Almudena Nuño warned what happens if you don't wash your pillow, telling El Pais: "Over time, they accumulate traces of sweat, sebum and dead skin cells, as well as microorganisms like bacteria and dust mites, which is why they should be washed, not just the pillowcases. Proper hygiene helps prevent skin problems and allergic reactions."
Which? also advises you wash your duvet one or twice a year, and you can often do this in the washing machine.