Ever wondered why you feel all stuffed up weeks after a common cold has passed? Well, it is not exactly uncommon.
While the likes of a runny nose, a loss of taste and smell and fatigue are pretty common with a head cold, that 'stuffy' feeling that is also present seems to last for weeks afterwards.
It can be pretty frustrating as you aim to get back to full strength and complete those daily activities you missed for a few days.
But if you continue to feel stuffed up weeks after, that can be quite a challenge.
Well, thanks to a new study, we now have an idea as to why a lot of folks remain stuffed up weeks after a cold passes.
The study, which was conducted for herbal oil company Olbas in conjunction with family practitioner Dr Roger Henderson, revealed that mouth-breathing while you sleep could be a contributing factor.

It was discovered that those who breathe through their mouth as they sleep are twice as likely to suffer nasal congestion more regularly as compared to those who mostly breathe through their nose.
The results come after the survey asked 2,000 adults about their sleeping and breathing habits.
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Of course, you're not going to know if you breathe through your mouth with your sleep - you are asleep, after all!
However, your partner can potentially help with that, as 18 percent of those involved with the study said their partners have told them that they regularly breathe through their mouth while having their evening's kip.
Furthermore, it was found that 31 percent of respondents who said they breathe through their mouth suffer regularly from nasal congestion.
This is a stark contrast to those who breathe through their noses, with just 15 percent experiencing such problems.

Speaking of the findings, Dr Henderson said: "Breathing through your mouth can cause several health issues compared to when you breathe more healthily through your nose.
"Mouth breathing can cause less oxygen to be delivered to the body and one of the problems this can cause is disturbed sleep and increased daytime fatigue and tiredness.
"It also causes the mouth to dry out, which in turn increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease."
For those who breathe through their mouth as they sleep, Dr Henderson recommends using a saline spray or nasal decongestant.
He also suggests to sleep on your back propped up with extra pillows.
Topics: Health