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Philadelphia Eagles' Josh Sills indicted on rape and kidnapping charges days before Super Bowl


Philadelphia Eagles' Josh Sills indicted on rape and kidnapping charges days before Super Bowl

The Philadelphia Eagles player has been indicted on charges of rape and kidnapping

NFL player Josh Sills has been indicted on charges of rape and kidnapping just a few days before his team are supposed to appear at the Super Bowl.

According to Ohio prosecutors, the Philadelphia Eagles offensive linesman has been indicted in relation to an incident which occurred on 5 December, 2019.

Officials allege that the rookie reserve player for the Eagles 'engaged in sexual activity that was not consensual and held a victim against her will'.

They say Guernsey County Sheriff's Office investigated the case and Sills was this week indicted on the charges of rape and kidnapping by a grand jury.

Sills is scheduled to appear in court on 16 February.

Featured Image Credit: Philadelphia Eagles/Zuma Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: US News, Crime, Super Bowl, NFL, Sport