Sleeping is perhaps the most important - and enjoyable - part of the day.
I imagine it's what most of us think of at the end of a long day.
But if you share a bed with someone who feels like they are shaking the room whenever they snore or constantly stealing the duvet, it's even more impossible to catch a wink of sleep.
However, you may not need to put up with sleepless nights any longer as one TikTok influencer has claimed this sleeping method 'could possibly save marriages' - and it comes to us all the way from Scandinavia.
The Northern part of Europe is often renowned for its spectacular Northern Lights, ready-to-assemble furniture, beautifully crafted pop music and for having some of the happiest countries in the world.
I mean, how many years running has Finland been named the happiest country in the world now?
Now, Scandinavia has apparently mastered the best way to snooze.
So, how do you go about working on this sleep technique when it comes to bedtime?

Well, it all evolves around blankets, something that can become a little hard to come by if you share a bed with someone who hogs the covers.
The practice was popularized in Denmark, Norway and Sweden and instead of using one big blanket, couples use two twin blankets.
Social media influencer Erica Stolman Dowdy (@ericastolmandowdy) shared a video on the Scandinavian sleep method, which she dubbed an ‘absolute game changer’, and gained over 3.3 million views.
In the video, we see her strip what appears to be a king-size mattress before making her bed with new sheets, with each half having its own duvet for a single person.
Each person in the bed gets their own duvet - also known as comforters - which means there are no complaints if one person is too hot and the other is too cold, you won’t wake up chilly only to find that your bed bestie has stolen the covers and you can be super comfortable, too.

In the short clip, she recalls her recent trip to Copenhagen, Denmark along with her husband where she became privy to the sleep method and decided to try it herself once they arrived home in the States.
Dowdy also chose ‘fun colours’ for her bedroom decor, which more of an aesthetic choice than another step to catching z’s.
“The Scandinavian sleep method is an absolute game changer. 10/10 recommend,” Dowdy’s video caption reads.
People in the comments are obsessed with the Scandinavian sleep method, which has already become immensely popular outside of Northern Europe.
"My husband is from Germany and we’ve always done this, my favourite way to make the bed is to fold each twin and turn it sideways. Fits perfect," one person wrote.
While another added: "Once you sleep with two comforters… you will NEVER go back to only one!!!"