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Divorce lawyer exposes top 5 professions women should avoid in a husband

Divorce lawyer exposes top 5 professions women should avoid in a husband

This divorce lawyer uses her years of experience to reveal which professions women should avoid when dating a man and why

When you’re a divorce lawyer dealing with several cases each year, you begin to see some trends when it comes to what kinds of people are separating at the highest rate.

Such is the case for user @jettiegirl28 on TikTok, better known by her nickname KK, a woman who has been a family lawyer for over 13 years.

KK shared a video late last year talking specifically about what professions women should stay away from if they want a higher chance of having a long and healthy marriage.

While she made it clear this wasn’t legal advice, at one point several years ago was told about five red flag professions that men have, noting that the list has since been proven correct by the various experiences she’s observed throughout her career.

“What I noticed among these five professions is that they tend to be more narcissistic, they tend to be more controlling.

“They tend to be far more difficult in dealing with a divorce. They have kind of a ‘nuke the earth, you know, scorch the earth, how dare you challenge me’ kind of approach to litigation.”

She's revealed the professions you might want to avoid... (pexels/Rafael Cosquiere)
She's revealed the professions you might want to avoid... (pexels/Rafael Cosquiere)

KK then reveals each of the five professions to avoid: fireman, police officer, military, surgeon, and pilot.

While these jobs are not all correlated in very obvious ways, KK notes that they all put a man in some sort of position of power over others.

“They all have in common that the men in these professions, they’re gods in their profession, right?” KK asked rhetorically, before elaborating, “You're a policeman, you're walking around with a gun, you're walking around with authority. If you're a surgeon, you're walking around the hospital… you're in charge.”

KK adds that a big aspect of this may come from the difference between this star treatment at work and the typical role and duties of a husband at home.

“Everybody treats you with respect. Then you come home and all of a sudden somebody's asking you to take out the trash. I think that that's a difficult kind of transition to make.”

If you're into men in uniform, you may want to think again... (Ken Redding / Getty Images)
If you're into men in uniform, you may want to think again... (Ken Redding / Getty Images)

The divorce lawyer also notes that, of all the professions, this control and respect differential can be seen among pilots quite a lot due to just how many people are relying on them at one time.

“They're in control of like 150-200 people's lives at a time,

“They are treated with a tremendous amount of respect and they have a lot of responsibility. And they tend to be very narcissistic and very controlling.”

Despite having confidence in these observations, KK also reminds women to take them with a grain of salt.

“If you’re married to somebody in any one of these professions, it doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to fail,” she reminded.

“I'm sure there's outliers and any kind of statistic.”

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jettiegirl28