A man built a rideable Minecraft pig that can reach speeds of 20mph and is controlled by a carrot on a stick.
The mind-blowing invention was created by YouTuber Electro, who just so happens to be a man of many talents. Not only is he great at making videos, he’s also a pretty impressive technical engineer.
He put his skills to the test in a project which needs to be seen to be believed. The pig on wheels, nicknamed the Hamburghini, is nothing short of amazing.

In a video posted in September 2021 showing the prototype phase and how he built and speed-tested process the porky motor.
Electro explains how he used materials like a ‘sketchy welder’ to build a battery, drilled wood boards together to make the body and used skateboard wheels to make the ‘foot’, before eventually swapping them out for shopping cart wheels to ensure the pig could turn corners, before then making his own rogue device for more precise steering.
A lot of the parts were made using a trusty 3D printer, just like the carrot on the stick which serves as the unusual controller which has the familiar cubic Minecraft design we all know and love.

Perhaps the most amazing aspect of Electro’s creation is the IR sensor in the pig’s head which tracks colours. It works by detecting the orange 3D-printed carrot in front of it, meaning the pig moves by chasing after its dinner.
Electro tests the pig at various power levels and speeds, starting with 30 percent which gives him a snail’s pace speed of only 3mph, he cranks the power up a little more to 60 percent which produces an impressive speed of 16mph.
The test takes place in an empty car park and Electro is filmed speeding away on his little piggy.
The thrill-seeker then turns the power up all the way to 100 percent and after a false start, where the Hamburghini almost speeds away from under him, the YouTuber is able to drive away, albeit with burnout which left the belt connecting the motor’s gear to the wheel gear damaged beyond repair.
Thankfully, the Electro puts Hamburghini to good use by attempting to order at a McDonald’s drive-thru while mounting his pig, but he’s sadly turned away. He’s able to get a slice of bacon (yes, really) from another fast food chain’s drive-thru shortly after.
Sadly, the pig’s high-octane adventures meet an abrupt end when Electro crashes it into a curb. One of the legs calls off and Electro and his friends are left in absolute shock.

“But guys, the amazing Hamburghini will live again. Most likely only in our minds though because I don’t want to rebuild this thing,” the YouTuber tells his 555,000 subscribers.
The Hamburghini had a great run...
Topics: Technology