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'Insane' simulation reveals truth behind theory that humans can bite off finger like a carrot

'Insane' simulation reveals truth behind theory that humans can bite off finger like a carrot

One of the classic rumors you used to hear at school has been explained

If you ever felt the wild desire to bite your finger off like a carrot as a kid, there is a clear reason why you weren’t able to.

A simulation has thankfully answered one of the rumors you likely heard as a child, and possibly told your school mates... I know I did.

The general idea was that a person can bite through their finger just as easily as they can bite through a carrot.

But it seems this isn’t strictly true, and the simulation, shared on YouTube channel Zack D. Films has explained why this is the case.

In the video short, the narrator says: “If you could bite through a carrot, some people think this means you could bite through your own finger.

“But biting through a carrot only takes about 45 pounds of force, and just fracturing a human finger requires around 335 pounds of force.

“The average human only has a bite force of around 160 pounds, which isn’t enough to break through bone.

“And even if you somehow did have enough force to bite off your own finger, your brain’s pain response would stop you before you could finish the act.”

However, some people on the social media platform aren’t exactly buying it and are outlining a counterpoint.

Some have insisted it is just as easy to bite off a finger(Getty Stock Image)
Some have insisted it is just as easy to bite off a finger(Getty Stock Image)

Some have argued that a person wouldn’t necessarily have to bite with the strength to fracture to bite their finger off.

One person commented: “You don’t need to fracture the bone to break a finger, just bite through the ligament that connects the bones, which is around the force of biting a carrot."

However, some people simply argued that the pain would still prevent this, and still wouldn’t be nearly as easy as biting through a carrot, if it even is possible.

Other people in the comment section have argued that there have been cases of individuals, prisoners, and soldiers biting their own fingers off in some situations.

You'll have to forgive me if I never try and test this out(Getty Stock Image)
You'll have to forgive me if I never try and test this out(Getty Stock Image)

So, as you can imagine, lots of arguments broke out among the viewers while the rest simply noted how disturbing the simulation is.

One user wrote: “The thumbnail is actually insane.”

Another added: “Bro bit off his finger like it was nothing but the smile thooo.”

A third wrote: “These animations are wild, why did he act so chill biting his finger off?”

With another writing: “OUCH this videos are so terrifying, I love it.”

Either way, I am more than happy to never test this out and take someone else’s word for it.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Zack D. Films

Topics: Community, Science, Health, Social Media, YouTube