A man who almost died while visiting the 'most inhumane place on Earth' has revealed the impact the terrifying adventure had on his body.
I mean, we all like an adventure from time to time. Take Drew Binsky for example, who has visited every single country in the world.
Another man known for his extreme escapades is Tyler Oliveira and his most recent YouTube video is perhaps one of his most unbelievable yet.
Tyler decided to pay La Rinconada in Peru a visit, known for being the world's highest permanent settlement, located right next to a gold mine.
The region sits 5,100 meters above sea level and found atop a frozen glacier, which only adds to the harsh conditions.

Those residing in La Rinconada are living with only 50 percent of the usual oxygen levels, with locals' bodies thought to have evolved to produce two times more blood cells than ours.
It's said that around 25 percent of the 50,000 residents who live in La Rinconada suffer with hypoxia - a state in which oxygen is not available in sufficient amounts at the tissue level to maintain adequate homeostasis.
But away from all of that, the Peruvian province is known for its 'lawless' community - so what is it really like?
Well, Tyler's visit seemed to go wrong almost from the get-go after his body did not respond well to the high altitude.
"I think the blood levels are too low... I think I’m dying. My head is bursting with pain, my hands are like red, yellow and blue right now," he said on camera.
Worried for himself and his crew's safety, the daredevil YouTuber made the wise decision to make a descent.

"So my [oximeter] levels hit 59, dangerously low. I definitely have a massive headache right now and I feel extremely dizzy," Tyler said.
"We all wanted to come up here and have perfect acclimation - that would have been the dream but unfortunately that’s just not smart and I want to live until 40 so I’m going back down."
"I have to give kudos to every person who lives and works in La Rinconada," he added. "Our health right now is testament to the insane adaptation these people have."
Tyler was able to get an idea of what La Rinconada is like though, as he learnt about the infamous gold mine found in the town.
Corporación Ananea, the company that runs the mine, makes its employees work for 30 days without pay before they can use the mine for their own financial gain for just one day.
There is a chance of finding gold worth over $3,000, but workers are forced to log the ore from the mine to their homes on the off chance they have something affluent.
As for crime within the town, previous reports have suggested brawls and even stories of murders in the gold mine tunnel.
Tyler admitted it was 'by far the sketchiest place' he's ever been to.