A man who chowed down on almost 1,000 eggs in a single month revealed the impact it had on his sex drive - and you may be surprised by the results.
YouTube challenges have evolved dramatically since the days of the Cinnamon Challenge and the Harlem Shake.
Now, we have creators forking out to review every single airline in the US, drinking copious amounts of liquid to see if their productivity would improve, and having enough money to rent out three Egyptian pyramids, just to make a video for our viewing pleasure.
Another YouTuber who has gone above and beyond to entertain the masses is Joseph Everett. The Japan-based star posted an eggy video to the platform under his 'What I’ve Learned' moniker.

In December 2022, he uploaded a video titled 'I ate 900 eggs in 1 month. Here's what happened to my cholesterol', to discover whether a strict diet would help increase his overall strength.
In the video, Everett explained that he was initially eating the eggs in a protein fruit smoothie before digging into bowls of rice, eating beef, and munching on protein bars.
By day five, the YouTuber complained that the volume of eggs in his diet was wrecking his gut. This forced him to begin cooking them instead.
However, by day nine, he realized his diet was having an impact on his sex drive.
“The ninth day is when I noticed I’d been feeling pretty great,” Everett explained. “I felt more focused, had tons of energy in and out of the gym.”
The fitness enthusiast also claimed that his libido was higher than it normally was.
Now, the idea that eggs can increase your sex drive may seem a bit peculiar on the surface, but some experts are convinced this is the case.
Dr Arun Kumar, writing for Practo.com, says that eggs contain the amino acid L-arginine, which has been known to improve erectile dysfunction for some men.
“While certain foods can keep your blood pumping and boost hormone levels, diet alone isn’t always enough to improve your sex life,” he continued, advising those with a lack of desire or pain during intercourse to speak to a doctor.
Meanwhile, Rajeswari V Shetty, Consultant and HOD-Dietetics at SL Raheja Hospital in Mahim, Mumbai, told Healthshots that vitamin B found in eggs can help ‘set up the sex drive and keep the mind stress-free’.
“Also, eggs help to fight stress and balance hormone levels, which are necessary for a healthy sex drive,” the specialist added.
“It can be consumed in various forms, like hard-boiled, scrambled, or poached eggs.”
Of course, eating eggs isn’t the only way to potentially help your sex drive, with OB/GYN Salena Zanotti recommending couples embark on talk therapy.
“For most people, sex and sexual arousal is two-pronged - you need your body to respond in certain ways, and you also need to be mentally interested,” she told the Cleveland Clinic.
“If your mind is focused on other concerns, it’s easy for sexual desire to wane.”
Other natural ways to boost your libido include managing your anxiety, getting a good night’s sleep, and eating a balanced, nutritious diet.
In 2015, a study found that partaking in regular exercise can help to improve sex drive, cope with relationship changes, and manage body image concerns, while Medical News Today writes that a smoker’s sexual problems could be solved by putting down the cigarettes.
At the end of his video, Everett revealed he’d put on an impressive 13lbs of muscle mass and that his lifts have also improved.
He also claimed there had been no notable increase in ‘bad cholesterol’ in his blood, but that he’d been sleeping less during the experiment.
Topics: Fitness, Food and Drink, Health, Sex and Relationships, YouTube, Mental Health, Science